Friday 27 October 2017

Kanton Handel System China

Forbes ermöglicht es Vermarktern, direkt mit dem Forbes-Publikum zu verbinden, indem es ihnen ermöglicht, Inhalte zu erstellen und an dem Gespräch auf der Forbes-Plattform für digitale Veröffentlichungen teilzunehmen. Jeder wird vom Vermarkter produziert. Mehr hier. Oder kontaktieren Sie uns direkt bei brandvoice. Meinungen von Forbes-Mitarbeitern sind ihre eigenen. Der NFL Star mit einer großen Fantasie Das Leben ist mehr als Fußball für New England Patriots engen Ende und 30 Unter 30 Honoree Martellus Bennett. Inspiriert von seiner Tochter, begann er seine eigene Multimedia-Firma, um seine kreative Seite zu entfalten. Highlights der Mobilitätskonzepte auf der North American International Auto Show. Die höchsten zahlenden Jobs in Amerika im Jahr 2017 Wollen Sie auf eine Karriere verfolgen, um ein höheres Gehalt Diese Berufe sehen die größten Auszahlungen, nach LinkedIn. 10.Senior Corporate Counsel: 175.000 Median Grundgehalt 9.Psychiatrist: 218.000 Median BMW debütierte die 7. Generation 5 Series auf der 2017 nordamerikanischen International Auto Show in Detroit. Der Stinger bietet neue Aussehen und Fähigkeiten von Kia Autos der Vergangenheit. 10 Garantierte Möglichkeiten, intelligenter erscheinen als Sie Sind, wie intelligente Leute denken, Sie sind oft genauso wichtig wie, wie intelligent Sie tatsächlich sind. Bestimmte Verhaltensweisen tragen besondere Macht, um Ihre Intelligenz in den Augen anderer zu vergrößern. Hier sind 10 können Sie 6 Möglichkeiten, um zu sagen, wenn Sie gut mit Geld Finde diese finanziellen Messungen Jahr-über-Jahr zu sehen, wie gut Sie mit Ihrem Geld sind. Ihr Netto-Wert: Beginnen Sie mit einer einfachen Bilanz ein One-Page-Netto-Bewertung, um Ihnen ein baselin Business Reise kann einsam sein. Überwindung von Gefühlen der Traurigkeit auf der Straße mit diesen Tipps. Atlassian erwirbt populäre Team-Produktivität-App Trello für 425 Million australische Technologiefirma Atlassian erwarb populäres Team-Software-Hersteller Trello am Montag für 425 Million. Das Abkommen, für 360 Million im Bargeld und der Rest auf Lager, ist, wie man Geld verdient, wenn jemand dein Gehirn auswählen will Hat jemand dich gefragt, ob sie dein Gehirn wählen oder erwähnte, daß sie zusammenarbeiten möchten Oft wollen sie deine Sachkenntnis für frei. Um ein erfolgreiches Geschäft zu führen, müssen Sie ein Bill Gross Thinks Dow 20.000 ist die falsche runde Zahl zu konzentrieren Die Dow 20.000 Uhr macht Schlagzeilen, aber Bill Gross sagt, die wichtigere Zahl ist 2,60. Janus Funds Anleihe-Guru warnt, dass 2,60 eine Linie in den Sand für den 10-jährigen Executive Chairman Bill Ford und CEO Mark Fields skizzieren, was im Laden für die Automobil-Unternehmen in der Zukunft. Eine Gruppe von Autoindustrie execs teilen ihre Gedanken auf, was die Zukunft für autonome Fahrzeuge aussieht. Die 10 technischen Fähigkeiten mit explosivem Wachstum in Job-Nachfrage Bentley University beauftragt eine Studie zu finden, welche geschäftlichen Fähigkeiten sind wachsenden Nachfrage. Dies sind die gefragtesten technischen Fähigkeiten, nach Burning Glass. 10.Salesforce CRM Viele Manager neigen dazu, scheuen von Feedback an Mitarbeiter, weil theyre nervös, wie die Person reagieren wird. Führungskräfte müssen für die Zukunft ihres Unternehmens vorzubereiten. Wenn das Unternehmen Teil Ihrer Identität ist, warum nicht Nachfolgeplanung, fragt Beth Savage, Präsident von PQ Systems. Ein paar Wochen nach der Ankündigung wird es mit Dritten Faktenkontrolleure, um die Anzeige von gefälschten Nachrichten auf seiner Website zu verwalten, hat Facebook den ehemaligen Fernsehnachrichten Journalist Campbell Brown gemietet, um als eine Verbindung zwischen Verlagen und Facebook dienen. 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HiMirror debuted einer der weltweit ersten Smart-Spiegel, die Ihre Haut analysiert Was zu entfernen aus Ihrem Lebenslauf im Jahr 2017 Hier sind 5 Dinge zu verlieren aus Ihrem Lebenslauf, um Platz zu schaffen Alle Ihre Leistungen. 1. Zu viele Details über Ihre College-Jahre. Wenn youre nicht ein neuer Absolvent, dieser Abschnitt gehört zum Ende Ihres Es gibt viele Gründe, einen Platz zu wählen, um Wurzeln zu setzen. Vielleicht sind Sie für die Arbeit übertragen worden. Vielleicht haben Sie immer wollte Immobilien in Charleston, SC, und youve gefunden ein Geschäft, das ist zu gut, um aufzugeben. Wir konnten ziemlich sagen, dass die Engländer haben Wetten auf die Ehen und Angelegenheiten ihrer königlichen für mindestens die letzten tausend Jahre, seit die Normannen und die Sachsen ging es für die Krone im Jahr 1066. Moving 101: Tipps und Strategien für Packing Like Ein Pro Youve eine neue homebut gefunden nun seine Zeit, um die alten ein. Hier sind die besten Tipps für das Verpacken und Absetzen in Ihren neuen Platz. Mieten Sie eine Umzugsfirma, um Zeit und damit Geld zu sparen. Einer der 2017 New Years Resolutionen für Reisende Cant entscheiden, wohin in 2017 gehen Setzen Sie diese Reise Trends auf Ihrer To-do-Liste für das Jahr. Gehen Sie auf eine Safari, die Arent nur auf Afrika begrenzt. Sie können Tiger in Indien oder Eisbären in Manitoba, Kanada sehen. 5 Beauty Resolutions to Make in 2017 Wenn Sie bereits neue Jahre Gesundheit Resolutionen, warum nicht umzusetzen Schönheit Verbesserungen, auch Start mit einem sauberen Schiefer durch Auswerfen von alten Produkten. Kaufen Sie neue Make-up Pinsel und befreien Sie Ihre Schubladen von Snapchat wurde von Venture-Kapitalisten und Fondsmanagern als eine sehr attraktive Investitionsmöglichkeit gesucht. Jedoch behauptet eine Klage, die von einem Ex-Snapchat Mitarbeiter behauptet wird, dass die Firma ihn und einige Investoren auf dem Weg irreführte. Right Move For Fox News Als Tucker Carlson zu Megyn Kelly in Prime-Time Tucker ersetzen Carlson wird Megyn Kelly in der 9-pm-Slot bei Fox News zu ersetzen. Es scheint, eine Entscheidung des Netzes zu sein, zum auf den Konservatismus zu verdoppeln, der sie zu den ehemaligen Fox-Nachrichten holte Star Greta Van Susteren bewegt sich zu MSNBC Ehemaliger Fox-Nachrichtenstar Greta Van Susteren debütiert auf MSNBC nächste Woche mit für die Aufzeichnung mit Greta. Van Susteren, einer der Fox News Top Anker für mehr als ein Jahrzehnt, beenden das Netzwerk im vergangenen Jahr, die neue Skyline von Guangzhou mit dem Canton Tower und Zhujiang New Town Guangzhou oder Kanton (). Der Hauptstadt der Provinz Guangdong. Ist die drittgrößte Stadt in China nach Peking und Shanghai mit einer Bevölkerung von mehr als 12 Millionen. Gegründet im Jahr 214 v. Chr., War die Stadt ein Sprungbrett für Handel, kulturelle Austausch, viele Revolutionen und Reformen, so dass es ein unvermeidbarer Zwischenstopp zu verstehen, was Formen des modernen China. Verstehen Bearbeiten Erwähnen Sie reisen nach Guangzhou zu den meisten northerners, werden Sie fast erwarten, dass eine Bemerkung den Platz kulturlos nennt. Fair oder nicht, seine Isolation vom Rest des typischen China durch gebirgige Topographie und frühen Exposition gegenüber der Außenwelt hat in seiner einzigartigen Art des Lebensstils, liberale Ideen, unverwechselbare Küche und enormen Reichtum geführt. Es ist keine Überraschung, dass Guangzhou eine Wiege vieler Reformen und Revolutionen ist, die das Schicksal Chinas für immer verändert haben. Heute Guangzhou noch enthüllt viele Republik-Ära Sehenswürdigkeiten, die Reisende helfen, die moderne chinesische Geschichte zu verstehen. Gegründet im Jahr 214 v. Chr., Ist diese Hauptstadt der reichsten Provinz immer eine Mischung aus neu und alt. Es bietet nicht nur einige der ältesten Tempel in China, einen tausendjährigen Park, ein kaiserliches Grabmal eines südlichen Königreichs und eine vollständige Erhaltung der kolonialen Villen und der Kirche auf Shamian, aber es dient auch als Schaufenster der futuristischen Architekturen und Autopilot-Metro auf Zhujiang Neustadt. Trotz seiner pulsierenden Sightseeing-Ressourcen, Reisende kommen in der Regel nach Guangzhou zu kaufen und zu essen. Guangzhou beherbergt unzählige riesige Märkte, die sich auf fast alle in China produzierten Produkte spezialisieren, darunter chinesischer Tee, Kräuter, Kleider, Uhren, Elektronik und Spielzeug. Sie werden entsetzt sein, die realen Preise der China-made-Produkte zu sehen und den Gewinn Ihrer lokalen Geschäfte verdienen durch den Verkauf von ihnen. Nahrung ist das Herzstück des Lebens und Guangzhou hat die countrys größte Anzahl der Gaststätten pro Kopf, der der Geburtsort von ist, was Sie chinesisches Essen (kantonesische Nahrung) im Westen nennen. Hier können Sie den authentischen Geschmack des süßen Amps saure Schweinefleisch, Wonton-Suppe und Dim-Sum. Nur wenige Reisende können die Stadt hungrig verlassen. So beschäftigt wie es klingt, können Sie leicht entkommen der Menge. Gehen Sie einfach zu den umliegenden Dörfern, in denen einige von ihnen aus der Song-Dynastie (960-1279AD) stammen. Vogelbeobachtung in Nansha Wetland, ein 200-Hektar-Zwischenstopp für Wandervögel von so weit wie Seriba, kann leicht für einen ruhigen Tag zu machen. Bezirke Bearbeiten Layout von Guangzhou Westlichen zentralen Guangzhou im Detail (Liwan und West Yuexiu) Östlichen zentralen Guangzhou im Detail (Osten Yuexiu und Tianhe) Guangzhou ist in zehn Bezirke unterteilt. Unter ihnen sind Yuexiu und Liwan, die Wiege der kantonesischen Kultur, seit der Kaiserzeit das Zentrum der Stadt. Tianhe, ein Bauerndorf vor Jahrzehnten, wurde zu einem neuen Geschäftszentrum mit einigen größten Einkaufszentren und höchsten Wolkenkratzern in der Stadt gebaut. Für Reisende, die nützlichste Straße ist Zhongshan Road, eine 9 km lange Autobahn horizontal schneiden durch die Innenstadt von Guangzhou. Die Autobahn ist in 8 Abschnitte unterteilt. Von der Zhongshan 6 Road (Richtung Zhongshan 8 Road) erreichen Sie bequem die Metro-Linie 1 von Changshou Lu (), die Chen Clan Academy (), Ximenkou (nach Gongyuanqian). Yuexiu (Yuxi) 8212 Das Zhongshan 6 Road Gebiet, das das ursprüngliche Gebiet von Yuexiu vor seiner Ausdehnung im Jahr 2005 umfaßt, ist der sehr Kern seit 214. Höhepunkte schließen Yuexiu Park, Guangzhou-Museum am Zhanhai Kontrollturm, Orchideengarten, Mausoleum ein Von Nanyue King, Guangxiao Tempel, Tempel der Sechs Banyan Bäume, Huangsheng Moschee, Peking Lu Einkaufsviertel, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, Tempel der fünf Rams, Shishi Kathedrale. Es hat auch viele beliebte Großhandel Markt einschließlich Yide Road Market und Baima Markt Liwan (Lwn) 8212 Im Norden des Perlenflusses bildet das alte Guangzhou-Gebiet und die Heimat des üblichen kantonesischen Akzents (Xiguan-Akzent, buchstäblich West Gate Accent ).Touristische Höhepunkte sind die koloniale Shamian Insel, Xiguan alte Häuser, Xiangxiajiu Einkaufen Straße, Liziwan See-Park und Chens Clan Academy. Tianhe (Tinh) ist das Geschäftsviertel, das mit vielen Wolkenkratzern und Einkaufszentren gedeiht. Die neu entwickelte Zhujiang New Town () ist ein Schaufenster der futuristischen Stadtplanung und Avantgardearchie. Es ist auch die Heimat der ältesten unordentlichen städtischen Dorf Shipai sowie die meisten Expat Gemeinden. Der Bezirk dient als Verkehrsknotenpunkt für Züge nach Hongkong. Zu den Highlights gehören das Guangdong-Museum, die Zentralbibliothek, das Opernhaus und das Dorf Shipai. Rund um das Zentrum Haizhu (Hizh) 8212 Im Süden des Pearl River, hat das ehemalige Industriegebiet in mehr Wohn-und Geschäftsleben heute verwandelt. Es ist die Heimat der citys neuesten Wahrzeichen Canton Tower und der South Campus der Sun Yat-Sen Universität, die eine gut erhaltene historische Gebäudekomplex der 1920er Jahre ist. Händler kommen hier häufig für die Kanton-Messe in Pazhou. Panyu (Pny) ist ein Gebiet immer beliebter bei den örtlichen Touristen. Seine Lianhua Berg steigert 100.000 blühende Lotusblume und sitzt eine riesige Bodhisattva Guanyin Statue. Verschiedene Themenparks haben Tausende von Touristen angezogen. Das Gebiet ist von vielen historischen Dörfern und Städten, die Ihnen einen Einblick in das Leben der traditionellen südlichen Chinesen. Baiyun (Biyn) 8212 Dieser Stadtteil ist der alte Flughafen. Der Baiyun Berg ist eine Hauptattraktion. Huangpu (Hungp) ist die Heimat der Huangpu Militärakademie. Nansha (Nnsh) ist ein neu entwickeltes Gebiet an der Südspitze der Stadt. Ländlich wie es klingen mag, hält es das Überleben der Nansha Wetland, ein Zwischenstopp für Migranten Vögel. Viele chinesische Verehrer auch gerne den Palast der himmlischen Königin () zu besuchen. Hier befindet sich der Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnhof (Südbahnhof). Luogang (Lugng) ist berühmt für seinen Pflaumenwald und Tianlu Lake Forest Park. Huadu (Hud) ist, wo der neue Baiyun International Airport befindet. Zengcheng (Zngchng) ist berühmt für seine Litschi-Früchte, die im Juni und Juli gepflückt werden. Conghua (Cnghu) ist unter den Touristen für seine heißen Quellen und Tianhe (Himmlischer See) Erholungsgebiet populär. History Edit Früher bekannt als Kanton im Westen, hat die Stadt Guangzhou eine Geschichte von etwa 2.200 Jahren. Das Symbol von Guangzhou - die fünf Rams Eine Legende erzählt von fünf himmlischen Wesen Reiten in das Gebiet, das jetzt Guangzhou auf fünf rams, die Garben von Reis. Die Himmlischen verliehen dem Land die Segnungen und boten den Bürgern die Stadt als Symbol für Wohlstand und Fülle. Nachdem die Himmlischen verlassen wurden, wurden die Widder zu Stein, und Guangzhou entwickelte sich schnell zu einer wohlhabenden und einflussreichen Stadt. Aufgrund dieser Legende hat Guangzhou einige populäre Spitznamen gewonnen: Yangcheng (Stadt von Rams), Suicheng (Scheiben der Reis-Stadt) und Wuyangcheng (Stadt von fünf Rams). Darüber hinaus, aufgrund der Fülle von Blumen entlang der Stadt Hauptverkehrsstraßen, wird Guangzhou oft als Huacheng (Stadt der Blumen) bezeichnet. Nach historischen Aufzeichnungen wurde die Stadt in 214BC gebaut und wurde als Panyu () bekannt. Der Name Guangzhou tatsächlich bezogen auf die Präfektur, in der Panyu befand. Als die Stadt wuchs, wurde der Name Guangzhou für die Stadt selbst angenommen. Als wichtiger Seehafen ist die Geschichte von Guangzhous voller Farben. Im Jahre 786 wurde die Stadt von den Persern entlassen und im Jahre 1711 baute die britische Ostindische Kompanie hier einen Handelsposten ein. Im Jahre 1757 bezeichnet die Regierung die Stadt als der einzige Hafen erlaubt Geschäftsvorfälle mit ausländischen Nationen. Dies dauerte bis 1842, die Unterzeichnung des Vertrags von Nanking, als vier weitere Häfen hinzugefügt wurden. Das Verlieren der exklusiven Privilegien schob Guangzhou später industrialisiert werden. Guangzhou war auch Teil der so genannten Seetaucherstraße, die Südchina mit Indien, Südostasien, dem Nahen Osten und Afrika verknüpfte. Als Ergebnis ihrer Verbindungen mit dem Nahen Osten, wurde eine Moschee in der Stadt im Jahre 627 gegründet, und eine kleine muslimische Gemeinschaft weiterhin in Guangzhou bis heute leben. Darüber hinaus wurde der sechste Patriarch des Zen-Buddhismus in Guangzhou geboren und lehrte die berühmte Plattform Sutra in der Stadt. Infolgedessen hat Guangzhou eine starke Verbindung mit dieser Schule des Buddhismus beibehalten, und das Kloster, in dem das sechste Patriarch studierte, wird als ein lokaler Schatz betrachtet. Der erste protestantische Missionar in China, Robert Morrison, trat in Guangzhou im Jahr 1807. Wann besuchen Bearbeiten In Bezug auf das Klima, ist die beste Zeit, um Guangzhou zu besuchen zwischen Oktober und November. Alternativ sind April und Mai auch gute Monate. Guangzhou hat ein subtropisches Klima mit Feuchtigkeitsniveaus an ihrem höchsten im Sommer. Temperatur kann fast 40 Grad Celsius erreichen. Typhoon Saison ist von Juni bis September. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Kanton-Messe findet jährlich während der Wochen von Mitte April bis Anfang Mai und Mitte Oktober bis Anfang November, so finden Unterkunft zu jenen Zeiten kann schwierig und teuer sein. Siehe Information unter Sleep. In Bearbeiten Mit dem Flugzeug Bearbeiten Der Flughafen ist 28 km (17 Meilen) nördlich vom Zentrum von Guangzhou. Der bequemste Weg in die Stadt ist mit der Metro-Linie 3. Die untere Ebene der Flughafen-Terminal führt zum Flughafen South Metro-Station. Eine Fahrt zum Ostbahnhof oder zur Metrostation Tiyu Xilu (beide 12) dauert etwa 50 Minuten. Züge fahren alle sieben Minuten, mit dem ersten Zug verlässt den Flughafen um 6 Uhr und der letzte Zug von und zum Flughafen Abfahrt um 11 Uhr. Taxis stehen zur Verfügung und nehmen ungefähr zur gleichen Zeit wie die Metro. Eine Taxifahrt nach Zentral-Guangzhou wird etwa 120 kosten, einschließlich einer 15 Mautgebühr. Taxi-Stationen sind außerhalb Ankunftshalle Abschnitt A Tor 5 und Ankunftshalle Abschnitt B Tor 6. Wenn Sie nach Mitternacht ankommen, wenn die Metro hat aufgehört zu laufen, für eine echte lange warten in Zeile für Taxis vorbereitet werden. Wartezeiten können ab 45 Minuten beginnen, nicht wegen des Mangels an Taxis, sondern wegen der schieren Anzahl der Ankünfte. Auch nicht überrascht sein, dass die Warteschlange ist nicht wirklich eine geordnete Warteschlange, die quintessentially Chinesisch ist. Einige Teile ihre 2 Personen, einige Teile ihre 4, und nach vorne kann es zu 8 in einer Reihe zu verbreiten. Die Leute werden versuchen, um Sie nach hinten quetschen Sie bei jeder Gelegenheit möglich. Sie können 10 Räume hinter der Person finden, die direkt hinter Ihnen begonnen hat. Seeing ländlichen Guangzhou von einem Flughafen-Expressbus. Airport Express Busse funktionieren direkt vor dem Ankunftsterminal, sind aber weit entfernt von der Metro in Zuverlässigkeit und Komfort. Wenn Sie mehr als ein Stück Gepäck haben oder wenn eine Linie hat einen Halt in Ihrem Hotel, kann dies Ihre beste Wahl sein. Linie 1 (16) fährt alle 10-15 Minuten von 7 Uhr bis zum letzten Flug und dauert 45 Minuten bis zum Guangzhou Railway Station und Central Hotel zu erreichen. Die Eintrittspreise reichen von 10-55. Die Linien 1 bis 6 verkehren innerhalb des Metropolbereichs, während die Linien 7-11 in äußere Bezirke gehen. Es gibt auch direkte Airport Express Busse zu einigen Städten in der Pearl River Delta Region. Wie Zhuhai und Foshan. Es gibt jedoch keinen direkten Bus nach Macau oder Hongkong. Nehmen Sie keine Einladungen für Fahrten in die Stadt. Manchmal stehen die Leute am Ankunftsbereich und fragen, ob Sie ein Taxi benötigen. Diese werden illegal betrieben und benutzen unmarkierte Fahrzeuge, oder laden Sie eine Gebühr, bieten Ihnen eine falsche Quittung, und dann ein Taxi, das Sie noch kostenlos. Sie kostet in der Regel viel mehr als lizenzierte Taxis, da viele Reisende nicht wissen, die Kosten für den Flughafen-Transport. Fliegen nach Hongkong ist eine weitere Option. Vom Hong Kong International Airport können Sie grenzüberschreitenden Bus nach Guangzhou und anderen Städten in Guangdong nehmen. Dienstleister umfassen China Travel Service, Trans-Island Chinalink und ewigen Osten. Fahrpreise reichen von HK220-250 ein Weg. Das Essen im internationalen Transfer-Terminal ist sehr teuer. Sie können US10 plus für eine Tasse Tee zahlen Es wird empfohlen, alles zu bringen, das Sie für Ihr layover benötigen. Es gibt eine kostenlose Warmwasser-Maschine im Erdgeschoss, neben einem der Raucher-Lounges. Wenn Sie einen Becher und einige Teebeutel holen, sind Sie gut, für Stunden zu gehen. Mit dem Zug Bearbeiten Hongkong - Guangzhou mit dem Zug Fahrplan Derzeitige Stand September 2011 bedeutet einen Zwischenstopp in Dongguan (Changping Station) Züge decken die 182 Kilometer von Hong Kong in etwa zwei Stunden, einschließlich einer Haltestelle in Dongguan. Durch Züge zum Guangzhou Ostbahnhof gehen Sie von Hong Kong am Hung Hom Bahnhof in Kowloon und kommen in Guangzhou an der Oststation an. Durch Zugdienste werden durch Hong Kong MTR betrieben. 3. Der einfache Fahrtpreis reicht von 190HKD-230HKD. Anmerkung: Tickets, die auf hk gekauft werden, müssen mit Kreditkarte bezahlt werden und in Hong Kong durch den Karteninhaber gesammelt werden. Wenn Sie beabsichtigen, Ihre Reise von Guangzhou zu beginnen, die meisten Male des Jahres können Sie Tickets auf der Stelle an Guangzhou East Railway Station zu erhalten. Allerdings, in der Hauptsaison, werden Sie reservieren wollen, um einen reservierten Platz zu haben. Buchung (und Zahlung für) Tickets über die MTR-Website wird nur RESERVE Ihre Plätze, wenn Sie außerhalb Hong Kong und beabsichtigen, Ihre Reise in Guangzhou beginnen. Sie müssen wieder an der Guangzhou East Station zu zahlen und dann eine Rückerstattung von MTR, sobald Sie in Hung Hom ankommen. Um dies zu vermeiden, hat MTR eine offizielle Ticketing-Agentur auf der China-Seite für mehrsprachige Anfrage und Buchung. Dieses Unternehmen wurde von MTR-Kundendienst bestätigt und ist: Norrway Trading Co. Ltd. (86) 20 8765 9328, aus China 020 8765 9328 (keine bekannte Website). Alternativ hat China International Travel Service Non-Echtzeit-Anfrage und Buchungsservice in englischer Sprache. Es gibt eine Reihe anderer Wege (chinesische Reisebüros) für die Erkundigung und Buchung von GZ-HK MTR Karten, aber sie sind in Chinesisch (z. B. 020ztc), die ein Büro im ersten Stock der Guangzhou East Station haben. Viele der besseren Qualität Hotels in Guangzhou haben auch eine angeschlossene Reisebüros, wo Sie buchen können und zahlen für Bahnfahrkarten, so kontaktieren Sie sie auch. Reservierung für Guangzhou-Kowloon-Züge öffnet normalerweise 28 bis 30 Tage vor Abfahrt. Es ist billiger, die Guangzhou-Shenzhen Intercity-Zug () von Shenzhen zu Guangzhou East Railway Station nehmen. Einige Fahrten halten auch am Bahnhof von Guangzhou. Shenzhen ist direkt über der Grenze von Hong Kong und Tausende von Menschen zu Fuß über die Brücke zwischen den beiden jeden Tag durch Luohu () oder buchstabiert als Lo Wu von der Hong Kong Seite der Grenze. Fahrkarten können am Bahnhof Shenzhen in Luohu gekauft werden. Der Einwegfahrpreis beginnt ab 80. Ein Projekt ist im Gange, um das gesamte Pearl River Delta mit dem Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnnetz zu verbinden. Die GuangzhouZhuhai (in der Nähe von Macau), GuangzhouShenzhen High-Speed-Rail (eine andere Eisenbahn, aus Shenzhen North Station und endet in Guangzhou South Station, als die Guangzhou-Shenzhen Intercity-Zug erwähnt) haben im Jahr 2011 eröffnet, und die Fahrt dauert nur 57 Minuten Und 35 Minuten. Eine neue Fernlinie von Guangzhou nach Peking reist durch große Städte wie Changsha. Wuhan. Zhengzhou und Shijiazhuang. Es dauert 7h59m bis 9h38m für eine Reise nach Peking, über 2.000 km entfernt. Eine einfache Fahrkarte ist 865. Es gibt auch über Nacht weiche Schwellenzüge für 990 an den meisten Tagen der Woche. Einige Hochgeschwindigkeitszüge fahren auch nach Luoyang und Xian. Einwegfahrt von Guangzhou Südstation zu Xian Nord ist zwischen 7h40m und 9h09m, Preis von 813.5. Dies ist Teil eines bundesweiten Hochgeschwindigkeitsnetzes. Das oben genannte Ziel ist auch von viel langsamer nicht-Hochgeschwindigkeitsschlafzug von der Guangzhou-Station in der Mitte der Stadt zugänglich. Es ist leicht, nach Guilin und Yangshuo mit dem Zug zu fahren, bevor man weiter nach China reist. Es dauert 2h31m bis 3h8m und kostet 137.5. Guilin ist auch von Nicht-High-Speed-Schläfer Zug von Guangzhou Station mitten im Zentrum der Stadt, die etwa 11 Stunden dauert. Es ist möglich, einen direkten Zug von Guangzhou nach Lhasa in Tibet zu nehmen. Die 4,980 km lange Fahrt dauert 55 Stunden und fährt jeden zweiten Tag von Guangzhou Station (). Ein Schlafplatz kostet 869 und mehr. Zur Diskussion siehe Overland nach Tibet. Für die Reservierung auf alle Zugtickets außer Tickets nach Hong Kong, haben chinesische Bahn eine Online-Ticketing-Website und Smart-Phone-App, sondern alle in Chinesisch und akzeptiert nur chinesische Debit-oder Kreditkarte. Für englische Sprecher ohne Zugang zu einem chinesischen Bankkonto, folgen Sie den Tipps auf seat61. Die sehr gründliche Anweisung, wie man Zugtickets von großen renommierten Online-Reisebüros zu kaufen gibt. Denken Sie daran, es gibt jetzt drei große Bahnhöfe in Guangzhou. Unzählige Reisende sind zur falschen Station gefahren und haben ihre geplanten Fahrten vermisst. Achten Sie also auf Ihre abfliegende Station, die auf dem Ticket angegeben ist. Guangzhou Railway Station () ist einer der größten in dem Land und Dienstleistungen Non-High-Speed-Routen, die den ganzen Weg nach Harbin gehen. Die Metro-Linien 2 und 5 haben hier einen Anschluss. Guangzhou East Railway Station () Dienstleistungen Non-High-Speed-Routen nach Hong Kong und einigen anderen Festland-Städten. Metro Linie 1 endet hier und Metro Linie 3 von Flughafen South hat eine Station hier. Guangzhou South Railway Station () dient nur das Hochgeschwindigkeits-Schienennetz. Guangzhou hat auch mehrere andere Stationen wie die North Station und West Station. Es gibt auch verschiedene Namen für jede der Stationen. Seien Sie sicher, offizielle Namen zu verwenden, um Verwirrung zu vermeiden. Obwohl einige Zeichen in Englisch verfügbar sind, die meisten der Mitarbeiter nicht verstehen und sprechen Englisch, außer an der Guangzhou-Kowloon Ticketschalter, in dem Mitarbeiter sind in der Regel in der Lage, in einfachen Englisch zu kommunizieren. Bringen Sie ein Phrasenbuch oder einen chinesischen Freund, wenn youre Planung auf dem Reisen tiefer in China. Mit dem Bus Busverbindungen sind verfügbar, um Passagiere vom Hong Kong International Airport zu mehreren Orten in Guangzhou zu bringen. Unter den Zielorten sind erkennbare Sehenswürdigkeiten wie die Jinan University () auf der Huangpu Avenue (), das Garden Hotel () und das China Hotel () (siehe Hotelabschnitt). Die Fahrt dauert ca. 3 Stunden und kostet 250 HKD. Es gibt auch grenzüberschreitende Bus-Terminals in ganz Hongkong. Einer der Stationen ist bei Austin Road und Canton Road in der Nähe von Kowloon Park. Eine einfache Fahrt kostet etwa 100 HKD. Inländisch ist es möglich, auf einem Bus von jeder Ecke der Provinz Guangdong zu hüpfen und nach Guangzhou zu gelangen. Es gibt auch viele Möglichkeiten aus nahe gelegenen Provinzen wie Guangxi. Hubei und Fujian. Hier sind einige der wichtigsten Stationen in der Stadt: Provincial Station () (145-149 Huanshi West Road 145-149) (Metro 2 Ampere 5 Guangzhou Bahnhof Ausfahrt F1, F2, H1, H2) Die Station dient meist Fernstrecken Außerhalb der Provinz Guangdong. Liuhua Station () (Metro 2 Ampere 5 Guangzhou Bahnhof Ausfahrt D4) Gegenüber der Provinzstation, dient es meist in der Nähe Städte in der Provinz. Tianhe Station () (633 Yanling Road 633) (Metro 3) Die Station Dienstleistungen Süd-und Zentral-China, so weit wie die Provinz Gansu. Es gibt auch viele Wege zu Städten in Guangdong. Haizhu Station () (182 Nanzhou Straße 182) (Metro 2 Nanzhou Station Ausfahrt A) Die Station befindet sich im südlichen Teil von Haizhu, Betreuung der großen Städte in der Provinz und anderen südlichen Provinzen China, einschließlich Hainan. Fangcun Station () (51 Huadi Middle Avenue) (Metro 1 Kengkou Ausfahrt B) Die Station dient ähnliche Routen wie die Haizhu Station. Yuexiu Nan Station () (2) Andere als Desintationen in der Provinz und anderen Provinzen, hat es auch Linien nach Macau und Hong Kong. Guangzhou South () Die Station hauptsächlich Dienstleistungen in der Nähe Städte. Es gibt einen Bus nach Lo Wu, einem gebräuchlichen Grenzübergang zwischen Hongkong und dem Festland China. Der Fahrpreis ist 65 und es läuft jede Stunde. Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich englische und chinesische Busbahnhöfe von Zeichen zu Ziel unterscheiden - Busbahnhof, Busbahnhof, Busbahnhof, Busbahnhof, Passagierterminal oder Passagierbahnhof. Beachten Sie, dass sich die verschiedenen Namen auf dieselbe Station beziehen können. Mit dem Boot Edit Es gab häufig Fährdienste aus anderen Städten in der Pearl River Delta, sowie einige Städte in Guangxi und entlang der Küste, zum Beispiel, Xiamen, Haikou oder Shanghai. Aber heute, entlang der Bau von umfangreichen Autobahn, Wasser-Transport haben nicht mehr ihren Wert, wie sie früher verwendet. Es gibt derzeit keine Fährterminals in der Innenstadt. Die beiden wichtigsten Fährterminals sind Lianhuashan Port Ferry Terminal () in Panyu District und Nansha Port Ferry Terminal () in Nansha District. Lianhuashan Hafen-Fähre-Terminal () in Panyu hat Fährdienst zu zwei Standorten in Hong Kong: Kowloon (China-Fähre-Terminal oder China-HK-Stadt, beziehen sich beide auf das gleiche Terminal in Hong Kong) und Hong Kong Intl Flughafen-Himmel-Pier. Service nach Hong Kong Intl Flughafen Sky Pier ist für Transit Passagier nur an Hong Kong Intl Airport. Als Passagier wird direkt zwischen Sky Pier und Flughafen-Terminal, ohne Clearing Einwanderung in Hongkong übertragen werden. Passagiere, die diesen Service benötigen, müssen eine Flugbuchung haben, die Hongkong am selben Tag mit der minimalen Verbindungszeit von 120 Minuten in Hongkong abfährt. Die Fahrt von der Innenstadt von Guangzhou nach Lianhuahan dauert etwa eine Stunde mit dem Auto. Kostenlose Shuttlebusse stehen an oder von mehreren Orten in Panyu zur Verfügung, einschließlich der Panyu Square Station auf der Metro-Linie 4 und Shiqi Station auf der Metro-Linie 4. Alternativ können öffentliche Busse von Shiqi aus besucht werden Station auf Metro-Linie 4. Nansha Hafen-Fähre-Terminal () in Nansha hat Dienstleistungen zu zwei Standorten in Hong Kong: Kowloon und Hong Kong Intl Flughafen-Himmel-Pier. Die Fahrt dauert 75 Minuten nach Hongkong. Beachten Sie, dass Nansha extrem weit vom Stadtzentrum entfernt ist. Wie Reisen zwischen der Innenstadt von Guangzhou nach Nansha ist etwa 75 Minuten. Kostenlose Shuttle-Busse stehen zur Verfügung oder von mehreren Standorten in Panyu, und im Garden Hotel () für Passagiere, die nur nach Hong Kong Intl Airport. Der Hafen ist 1,6 km südlich von Humen Bridge in Nansha. Suchen Sie nach Guangzhou Lian Hua Shan an der 4. Tabelle. Suchen Sie nach Guangzhou am sechsten Tisch. Seite ist in Chinesisch, aber es gibt Englisch auf dem Zeitplan. Seite ist in Chinesisch, aber es gibt Englisch auf dem Zeitplan. Service nur an DONNERSTAG und SAMSTAG. Get around Edit Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel ist in Guangzhou umfassend wie die meisten anderen großen chinesischen Städten. Wenn Sie in Guangzhou für lange Zeit zu kaufen, kaufen Sie ein Mehrzweck Ling Nan Tong - Yang Cheng Tong (-) gespeicherte Wert-Karte, die verwendet werden können, um Tarife in Metro, Bus und Fähren bezahlen und für viele Convenience-Stores, öffentliche Telefone verwendet Und Verkaufsautomaten. Allerdings, um die Karte am Ende der Reise zurückzukehren, müssen Sie gehen Gongyuanqian (Ausfahrt J) und Tiyu Xi Ausfahrt G und East Railway Station. (Ausgang HJ). Es kann sich lohnen, die Karte einfach als Souvenir zu behalten. Zu Fuß Bearbeiten Trotz der schieren Größe der Stadt ist das Gehen eine große Weise des Erforschens der traditionellen Liwan - und Yuexiu Bezirke. Die einfache Tour ist zu Fuß durch Zhongshan 6 Road (Zhongshan Liulu), die die meisten Sehenswürdigkeiten wie Liurong Tempel, Guangxiao Tempel, Huaisheng Moschee und viele riesige Märkte umfasst. Es hat auch die beiden beliebtesten Fußgängerzonen. Beijing Lu und Shang-xia-jiu für Shopping-Manie. Um Ihnen ein Gefühl der Richtung, wenn Sie verloren gehen, herauszufinden, die Lage von zwei großen horizontalen Linien, die Zhongshan Road und der Pearl River (Zhu Jiang) sind. Sie werden leicht jede Richtung zu erzählen. Dieser Bereich ist auch gut mit den Metro-Linie 1 verbunden und Trolleybus 104, 107, 109 und 78 (Night Bus), die die einzige Trackless-Tram-System in Süd-China ist. Mit dem Fahrrad Bearbeiten Fahrräder werden als kohlenstoffarme Transportmittel gefördert. Über 100 Mietgeschäfte sind jetzt an vielen BRT Linien und U-Bahnstationen verfügbar. Der Mietpreis ist stundenweise und bis zu 30 pro Tag. Eine beliebte Radweg ist entlang der Pearl River auf der Haizhu District Seite. Andere gewidmete Fahrradwege erscheinen langsam im Stadtzentrum, einschließlich Tianhe Bezirk. Yangchengtong Card ist in vielen öffentlichen Verleihstellen akzeptiert. Neue Fahrräder sind in großen SB-Warenhäusern von 500 für eine vernünftige billige Single-Speed ​​bis zu 2000-3000 für ein 21-Geschwindigkeit Mountainbike. Giant und Merida sind die beiden gängigsten internationalen Marken. High-End-Fahrräder sind auch für wohlhabende Kunden in dieser reichen Stadt zur Verfügung. Klappfahrräder sind auf der U-Bahn (manchmal nicht auf Bussen) und Taxen erlaubt, aber Nichtordner sind auf keinerlei öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln außer den Cross-River Fähren erlaubt. Fahrräder dürfen den Fluss nicht über den Zhujiang-Tunnel oder die Zhujiang-Hängebrücke überqueren, dürfen aber auf den öffentlichen Fähren für 1 fahren (siehe unten). By subway Edit Opened in 1999, the ever-growing Guangzhou Metro system 4 covers much of the city center. The fare ranges from 2 to 12. Most of the signs and announcements are in Chinese and English. If you stay in Guangzhou for extended period, think of getting a Yang Cheng Tong transportation cards (see details above). Card holders can get 40 off on any rides since the 16th uses in every month. There are currently 8 lines in operation:- Central Lines Edit Line 1 is the most useful for tourists, horizontally cutting through the center of Guangzhou. Five major stations Huangsha, Changshuo Lu, Chen Clans Academy, Ximenkou, Gongyuanqian cover up to 80 tourist sights. Line 2 runs horizontally through Guangzhou South Station and Yuexiu Park. Line 3 is a Y-shaped eastern Guangzhou. The main line runs from Panyu Square to the Tianhe Intercity Coach Station, whilst the branch line splits off at Tiyu Xilu and heads towards Airport South. Line 5 runs east-west from Jiaokou (Liwan District) to Wenchong (Huangpu District) and follows the inner ring road through the city. Useful for reaching Guangzhou Railway Station, the Garden Hotel and Zhujiang New Town. Others Edit Line 4 serves Guangzhous eastern outer suburbs and runs from Huangcun in Huangpu District down to Jinzhou in Nansha. This line is most useful for reaching the Olympic Sport Centre and the University Town. Line 8 was formed out of the remnants of Line 2 following its southward extension and runs east-west through Haizhu District from Fenghuang Xincun to Wanshengwei. Useful for reaching Sun Yat-sen University and Pazhou Exhibition Centre. Zhujiang New Town APM is an experimental autopilot metro system which takes you to the Canton Tower. You need a separate 2yuan ticket to get a ride. Guangfo Line is Chinas first intercity railway, connecting downtown Foshan with Xilang, where you can transfer to Line 1. Central Foshan can be reached in approximately 45-60 minutes from central Guangzhou. Transfers from GZ metro lines and Yangchengtong cards are accepted. By bus Edit Guangzhou bus network is comprehensive. Bus fares are 2 for adults and 1 for children, disables and senior citizens. However, information at bus stops is mostly written in Chinese characters. A current stops name may be displayed in pinyin or English on a LED display panel as long as it is available. On-board announcements are made in Mandarin, Cantonese and mostly English as well. Buses are only handy for traveling within one district or for reaching suburban districts that are not served by the subway. Heavy traffic can lead to a slow, uncomfortable journey although they can be handy for a cheap but slow sightseeing tour. Trolley bus lines (Routes 101-109) are handy for exploring Liwan and Yuexiu districts. Most bus routes run from around 6am to 10 or 11pm, after which there are night buses with the prefix Ye (, night). Night route numbers are not related to the normal route numbers. The fare is usually 3 - 4. There are more than 100 night routes, but most of them stop running in between 12:00 to 1:30am, and some start again around 5am. In most cases, taking a taxi after midnight and before the sunrise is a better idea. Guangzhou has over 30 commuter express bus lines () run mostly during peak hours from major bus and subway interchanges to congested areas and outlying districts. Fares are from 1-4. There are also four special lines for University Town (). You can find these in most major stations in the city that would take you to University Town. Fares are from 2-4. There are also 2 tourist bus lines () passing through many scenic spots in the city. Other special lines are: Lines to some commercial districts, shuttle buses for many different residential complexes such as Favourview Palace and Star River, and even complementary shuttle buses for some shopping center. The driver of a shuttle bus may ask for your receipts. By BRT Edit The Bus Rapid Transit system went into service in early 2010. It is essentially a long segregated bus lane (not an elevated busway like in Xiamen) running along the Tianhe Road and Zhongshan Avenue corridor towards the eastern suburbs. Some intersections are traversed by bridges and tunnels, which cuts journey times considerably, but other intersections have traffic lights and therefore traffic jams, and crowds can be as dense as in Metro stations but with fewer doors and a narrower standing area compared to Metro trains. All buses that use the BRT start with a B prefix (B1, B22 etc.), though some without the B stop nearby. When reading a bus route (in Chinese) you can see the BRT logo above each BRT station name, like the GZ Metro logo above bus stops that are near Metro stations. The B1 stops at every BRT station, but other B routes use any number of BRT stations (sometimes just one) and use normal roads the rest of the time. If boarding a BRT bus at a normal (non BRT) bus stop, the normal fare of 2 applies, however you can transfer to other BRT routes for free, provided you transfer at a BRT stop. If boarding at a BRT stop, insert 2 (coins only) into the entry turnstile to enter the platform area no payment is required when boarding the bus, and you can board at the rear. As with normal bus routes, there is almost no English at BRT stations, and only the current station name is in pinyin. Overall it isnt much use to tourists. By taxi and Uber Edit This is the most popular way for foreigners to get around, and it is very affordable. The starting charge is 10 for the first 2.6 kilometres, and after that 2.6 for each kilometre. No fuel surcharge is added, but a 50 surcharge is automatically added when the trip reaches 35 kilometres. A few of them also accepts Yang Cheng Tong as payment, but it is not preferred by the drivers. The taxi hotline is 96900. This comes in handy if you forget your valuables in a taxi. Save your receipt because it contains the taxis identification number. Most taxi drivers do not speak English or any other foreign languages, so have the name and address of your destination written in Chinese to show the driver. Many are from the poorer northern provinces and do not even speak Cantonese. If your destination is not well known, have a nearby landmark included in the address, e. g. across from the Garden Hotel. Whilst the majority of taxis are the regular VWs and Hyundais found in almost all Chinese cities, there are an increasing number of London taxis on the streets of Guangzhou (which comes as no surprise as the latest generation of London black cabs are built by Geely Motors in China). In Guangzhou they are known as old-fashioned cabs ( lao ye che ) They are wheelchair accessible and can carry up to 6 passengers. Many people recommend using the yellow taxis as that company only employs local Guangzhou drivers who know the city well - other taxi companies usually hire migrant workers from other provinces who may not know where they are going. Beware of taxi driver as sometimes, in addition to going around the block one too many times, they will also try to pass counterfeit notes. Pay close attention as to what they pay when passing toll booths. Good drivers will show you the toll receipts. Only add the toll amount to what is displayed in the meter. A trip between the airport to the East Railway Station cost around 120-130. Most people find taxi drivers in Guangzhou to be honest. However, during the Canton Fair near the Pazhou Complex, it is common to see drivers violate rules, such as refusal of service and pre-negotiating a price rather than using the meter. It is also difficult to find a taxi available elsewhere in the city. Most taxi shift changes take place between 15:00-17:00. During this time, it is hard to find a taxi as many drivers stop working by displaying the out of service () sign before the end of the shift, unless you are going in their direction. Taxi can be also hard to come by during commuter peak hours of 19:30-09:00 and 17:00-19:00. Finding a taxi at night is usually not a problem. Uber has large presence in Guangzhou. The price is usually half of a taxi and can be safer. As in elsewhere, Uber is relatively scam-free. However, some drivers do take an unusually long route. Be sure to make sure the route is right by using the maps and GPS on your own phone. Most of the drivers dont speak English and cannot call a foreign phone number if your roam your phone in China, so keep an eye on both the map and the cars coming, or get a local sim card in China. By car Edit While driving in Guangzhou is an option, drivers unfamiliar with the driving conditions in Chinas large cities should be aware of the risk and potential compensation incurred. Many car rental companies offers a driver as well. Car rental companies in Guangzhou: Avis () 9 Huali Road 86 20 3829-6279 Hours 8:30AM - 5:30PM Hertz () 5 89 Linhe West Road, first floor of Jingxing Hotel 86 20 8755-1608 By motorcycle Edit Although a convenient way to navigate the citys back alleys and lanes, motorcycles are banned in the city center, and riding a motorcycle into these prohibited areas can lead to fines and possible confiscation of the bike. In addition to the central motorcycle ban, electric bicycles are banned from the city roads. By ferry Edit The ferry is the cheapest way of crossing the Pearl River (Zhujiang). They were very popular in the 1980s and early 90s, carrying tens of thousands of passengers across the river each day. Nowadays its popularity declines greatly, mostly because of the construction of many bridges along the Pearl River and the availability of other public transportation. The river narrows while going through the city center (a bit wider than the Thames in central London). It is usually faster and more convenient to use the bridges or public transport(metro, bus) to cross the river than wait for the ferries. One ferry route that maintains its popularity operates between the Huangsha Pier by the seafood market next to Shamian Island and the pier on Bai-e-tan Bar Street (Changdi Road) in Fangcun. It departs every 10 minutes from 6AM to 10PM. The fare is 0.5 for a foot passenger or 1 if you bring a bicycle. The fare can be paid in cash (no change given) or by using Yangchengtong Card. There are separate boarding gates for cyclists and pedestrians, and you pay at the boarding gate. Mandarin is the official language as is spoken by everyone other than some of the older generation. All true Guangzhou locals speak cantonese, and if you visit areas such as Liwan and Yuexiu, this is the predominant language spoken on the street. Migrants from other parts of China will speak Mandarin. Local people take the preservation of their dialect so seriously that they even marched to the government office to protest against a plan to limit the use of Cantonese in TV and radio broadcasting. English is spoken by more people than in the rest of China (save for Beijing and Shanghai), but still not by the majority, so it is a good idea to carry your hotels business card with you. do not expect drivers to speak English . some of them cant even speak Mandarin without a heavy accent. To save yourself the hassle and agony when asking for directions, have names of your destinations clearly written down in Chinese by the hotel staff before venturing out. That said, many educated younger people will have a basic knowledge of English and staff at hotels as well as bars and restaurants widely visited by foreigners generally speak an acceptable level of English. Staffs at Starbucks generally speak acceptable English and high school or college students can generally understand basic English as well, but not for speaking. If you find a Chinese people on the street who speaks English fluently, then you most likely run into either someone working at a foreign company, a highly educated student or a person who has studied abroad. Despite the fact that not the majority of people speak English, but the signs are often in Chinese and English, even though sometimes the English version doesnt really make any sense or obviously translated by google. Dafo Temple. No. 21 Huixin Xijie, Huifu Donglu, Yuexiu District (No. 22 Huixin Zhongjie). One of the five renowned Buddhist temples in Guangzhou. It was originally built by Liu Yan, King of the Southern Han Dynasty in the 8th century. Located for keen shoppers needing a break just off Beijing Lu. Free entry. 160edit Landmarks Edit Sun Yat Sen Memorial Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral, on Shamian Island Xiguan Residence ( x-gun-d-w ) and Cantonese Arc () See the traditional Cantonese architectures from the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic Era. These houses can be found in Haizhu South Road(), Duobao Road (), Baohua Road (), Longjin West Road () and Shangxiajiu Road (). One of the most famous ones is located at 18 Baoyuan North Street (18). They were occupied by the upper class in the old days. Chen Clan Academy ( chn-ji-c ) 6 Zhongshan 7th Road () ( Metro 1 Chan Clan Academy - Exit D ). This is very well preserved architecture from the 19th century. It used to belong to a wealthy family by the name of Chen and now houses many articles including ivory sculptures and artistic statues. (Admission 10) Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall ( zhng-shn-j-nin-tng ) ( Metro 2 Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall - Exit C ) located on Dongfeng Middle Road, is dedicated to the founder of the Republic of China and local hero Dr. Sun Yat-Sen. It was constructed in 1931 and built on the original site of Sun Yat-sens presidential office on Yuexiu Hill. Open 8AM-6PM. Admission is free for the park and 10 to go inside the hall. Shamian Island () ( Metro 1 Huangsha Exit D ) The buildings and streets of the former British and French concession have been beautifully renovated, creating an oasis of tranquility in an otherwise bustling and hectic metropolis. One of the old structures is Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel, located at 14 Shamian Street. The architecture reflects the colonial era of 19th Century, and it has a unique atmosphere. Canton Tower () ( Metro 3, APM Chigang Pagoda ) is the tallest structure in China. In additions to the observation deck, the tower features various restaurants, a 4-D theater and other entertainment venues. Admission is 150. Bright Filial Piety Temple (Guangxiao Temple) ( gung-xio-s ) 109 Guangxiao Road () ( Metro 1 Ximenkou Exit C ) As the sixth patriarch of Zen Buddhism, Hui Neng, trained at this temple in the 7th Century, it is a popular pilgrimage site for Zen Buddhists. The temple has been destroyed several times by fire, and the current buildings date back to the mid-19th century. Admission is 10 free if you eat at the temples vegetarian restaurant (). You can also apply your admission toward your meal. Liurong Temple ( li-rng-s ) 87 Liurong Road () ( Metro 1 Gongyuanqian Exit I ) The Temple of Six Banyan Trees, which includes the 17 story, eight-sided Hua Ta, or Flowering Pagoda, is one of the most popular attractions in Guangzhou. The temple dates back to the 6th century, while the pagoda predates it by about 300 years. Admission is 5 Flower Pagoda 10. Wu Xian Guan Temple ( w-xin-gun ) Huifu West Road (). ( Metro 1 Ximenkou Exit C ) Admission is 5. Huaisheng Mosque ( hui-shng-s ) 56 Guangta Road () ( Metro 1 Ximenkou Exit C ). This is one of the oldest Muslim mosques in China, built in 627. The mosque is open to Muslims only and not open to the general public, but you can take a peek outside. Shishi Sacr-cur Catholic Cathedral ( sh-sh-shng-xn-jio-tng ) 56 Yide Road ()( Metro 2 Haizhu Square Exit B1 ).It is one of the oldest church structures in the city, and the largest of its kind of Southern China. It is currently in use for worship. Visiting hours are weekdays 8:30-11:30AM and 2:30-5:30PM weekends 8:30AM-5PM. Free admission. Sanyuan Temple ( sn-yun-gng ) Yingyuan Road ( Metro 2 Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall Exit C ). This is the largest and oldest Taoist temple in the city. Hualin Temple ( hu-ln-s ) ( Metro 1 Changshou Lu ) Free admission. Yuanxuan Taoist Temple () is located in the Huadu District. It includes three Taoist buildings in one complex: Sanqing Hall, Taihe Hall and Yuanchen Hall. Sanqing Hall is the most architecturally important of the three structures, while Yuanxuan Taoist Temple has carvings of divine beings. The central hall is covered by yellow glazed tiles and decorated with the bright images of Yuqing, Shangqing and Taiqing, the three authoritative deities in Taoism. The temple is located near Bi Village in southwest Xinhua Town. You can take the No. 9 bus from Huadu Downtown. Admission is 10. Xiaozhou Village () The village is a short taxi ride from University City. Some travelers describe this district as full of historical buildings, fruit orchards and canals and relate that, in recent years, this has become artists haven. Others report that recent development has obliterated all traces of the village and that the district is a typical industrial suburb adjoining a huge field used as an outdoor latrine. Memorial of the Huangpu Military Academy ( hung-p-jn-xio-ji-zh ) is on Changzhou Island ( Metro 5, Yuzhu Exit D. take 431 bus to the Ferry to Changzhou Pier. ). The original Military Academy was founded in 1924 by Sun Yat-sen, with support from the Chinese Communist Party and the Soviet Union. The mission of the Academy was to create an officer corps for the new Chinese Republic. Many famous Chinese war heroes were trained here. The original site was destroyed by the Japanese in 1938. Two exhibition halls on the Campus of the Academy cover the History of the Academy with English translations. Unfortunately the other exhibition halls, such as Heroes of the Academy, do not have English translations. The site is far from the city center. Free admission. Huang Pu Gu Gang () Definitely a spot worth checking out. It is the old trading port of Guangzhou, and set amongst a multitude of old style buildings akin to the hutong district in Beijing. Its cheap and full of good places to eat, as well a plethora of lovely small coffee shops by the river side to enjoy a snack and a bit of food. To get there ride the metro to WanShengWei (end of line 8) and take either a motorbike, golf cart or bus (229) to Huang Pu Gu Gang. Former Residence of Hong Xiuquan (:Hngxiqun gj), 8602036861225, 8602086832232,Address:Gungzhush hudq xnhu jido dbcngun lb), The former home of the quasi-Christian leader of the Taiping Rebellion that resulted in the death of about 20 million people during the late Qing dynasty. Shortly after failing the imperial examinations on multiple occasions, Hong Xiuquan became delusional and claimed to have received visions in his dreams that he was the younger brother of Jesus Christ destined to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and establish the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in Nanjing as its captial. Museums and galleries Edit Note that most museums and libraries are closed on Monday. Mausoleum of the Nanyue King () 7. 86 20 3618-2920, 867 Jiefang North Road (878), ( Metro 2 Yuexiu Park Exit E ) Discovered accidentally in 1983 during the construction of proposed shopping mall, this impressive mausoleum proves to be the most important historic discovery in South China, making it a must on any itinerary. Major display is the Kings burial suit made of thousands of jade tiles. 9AM-5:30PM daily. Admission is 12. Guangzhou Museum () 8. Zhenhai Tower in Yuexiu Park. Among the first museums in republic era of China, it is located in an ancient Zhenhai Tower overseeing the traditional Guangzhou regions. The museum vividly displays the history of South China. Admission: 10. Guangdong Museum () ( Metro 3,5 Zhujiiang New Town Exit B1 APM Opera House Exit C ) Open 9AM-5PM, Tue-Sun. The new museum is located in Zhujiang New Town, not to be confused with the old Guangdong Museum near Metro 1 Peasant Movement Institute Station. This is the biggest museum in the city. It covers Guangzhous history, culture, science and nature. Arrive early as admission is limited to 5,000 per day. Personal ID is required to obtain free tickets at ticket office. Guangdong Museum of Art () 9 gung-dng-mi-sh-gun . 8 Yanyu Road (8) on Ersha Island (). It shows contemporary, and sometimes ultra controversy Chinese art. Personal ID is sometimes required. Open 9AM-5PM, Tue-Sun. Guangzhou Sculpture Park () gung-zhu-dio-s-gng-yun Tongxin Road at the foot of Baiyun Mountain. Free Admission. The Memorial Museum Of Generalissimo Sun Yat-Sens Mansion () 10 18 Dongsha St, Fangzhi Road (18). 86 20 8901-2366. Open 9AM-4:30PM Tue-Sun. Free Admission. Guangzhou Uprising Museum () 200 Qiyi Road (200)( Metro 1, 2 Gongyuanqian Exit J ). The Museum is at the site of the first Communist government building. Open 9AM12PM and 1:30PM-4:30PM TueFri 10AM-4:30PM Sat-Sun. Free Admission. Guangzhou Ocean () Situated within Guangzhou Zoo, Guangzhou Ocean World covers an area of 13,000 square meters (about 139,931 square feet) and has more than 200 kinds of fish and many other rare ocean creatures. It is a high-tech exhibition hall serving sightseeing, entertainment, research and education purposes. Guangdong Revolutions History Museum () 2 Lingyuan West Road (2), ( Located in the martyrs memorial park. Metro 1 Martyrs Park Exit D ). Sun Yat-Sen was sworn in here in 1921 as the president of Republic of China. The museum tells stories from the Opium War to the founding of the new China. Free Admission. Peasant Movement Institute ( nng-jing-su ) 42 Zhongshan 4th Road (42),( Metro 1, Peasant Movement Institute Exit C ). This is the original site of Communist training center founded by Mao Tse-tung in the 1920s. Now it is a museum covering recent China revolutionary history. Open 9AM-5PM Tue-Sun. Free admission. Redtory () 11 128 Yuancun 4th Cross Road (128) Once a can food factory, this old can-packing factory is transformed into galleries for contemporary artists. There are also restaurants and shops, which blend in well with artistic surroundings. 86 20 8557-4346. Parks Edit Communist monument in Martyrs Memorial Garden Despite its reputation for business and busy trading, Guangzhou has many historic parks everywhere, ranging from a 1000-year-old lake garden, green mausoleum for martyrs to a vast wetland dedicating for migrant birds from Serbia and Mongolia. Yuexiu Park () yu-xi-gng-yun . ( Metro 2 Yue Xiu Park Station Exit B1 )12 is the largest urban park in China and is a lush green area that flows over acres of hills and includes several lakes. It includes the Ming Dynasty Zhenhai Tower () zhn-hi-lu . now home to the Guangzhou Museum 13 with relics on five floors dating back 5,000 years ago and an up-to-date miniature of modern Guangzhou. Admission is 10. Hours 9:00 - 11:30, 13:00 - 17:00. Also check out the Stone Statue of the Five Rams (), the symbol of Guangzhou (See Understand ). Open 6AM-9PM. Free Admission. Lingnan Impression () ( Metro 4, Higher Education Mega Center South Exit B ) 14 This is a place to see the citys past before the economic boom. The park is 15 minute walk from the subway station. Free shuttle is available on the weekend. Admission is 60. Baomo Garden () is located in Panyu District, rebuilt in the 1990s from a destroyed ancient garden. Hours 8:30AM-6:00PM Admission is 45. Huanghua Gang Commemoration Park (), hung-hu-gng-gng-yun . 15 79 Xianlie Middle Road (79) 86 20 3758-8321. Open 6AM-8:30PM. This is a park that will set you in a poignant mood. The main attraction is the monument built to commemorate the 72 martyrs who died during the 1911 uprising. Free admission. Guangzhou Martyrs Memorial Garden () gung-zhu-q-y-li-sh-lng-yun ) Zhongshan 2nd Road (),( Metro 1 Martyrs Park Station Exit D ) 16 This park is dedicated to those who fought and died in the Communist Uprising in 1927. Hours 6:00AM-10:00PM Free admission. Yuntai Garden ()( Tour Bus No. 1, 3 ) 17 yn-ti-hu-yun is situated at the foot of Baiyun (White Cloud) Mountain and is famous for its wide variety of rare flowers and trees. There are also seasonal exhibits (additional admission). Admission is 10. Xiangjiang Wild Animal Safari Park () 18 xing-jing-y-shng-dng-w-sh-ji is in Panyu district. Hours 9:30-18:00 Admission is 180. Green Walk ()( Metro 1, Peasant Movement Institute ) This is in Yuexiu District, under the Donghaoyong Elevated Road. Taoist temple Five fairy Taoist temple is located in Hui Fu Xi Lu of the center of Guangzhou. is the historical markers of that Guangzhou has been founded 2000 years. Million Sunflower Garden () Sunflower Garden million theme park, located in Panyu, Guangzhou Wanqingsha town, covers an area of 260,000 square meters, planting one million sunflower, become the first in the country house, all imported seeds (mainly Japan) ornamental sunflower park. Theme Parks Edit Chimelong Paradise () The theme park has many thrill rides and shows. Hour: 9:30-18:00 (18:30 weekend) Admission is 200. Chimelong Water Park () 19 This is a western style water park with great water rides. Hour: 9:30AM-10:00PM, April to Mid-October Admission is 140 (fall) - 250 (summer). Guangzhou CrocoPark () You can see, play, touch, take pictures of crocodiles and even eat and buy stuff made of them Guangzhou Metro Line 2, Huijiang Station. Guangzhou Xiangjiang Safari Park () Day safaris and night safaris offered, mini jungle train, free ranging animals. Guangzhou Metro Line 3, Hanxi Changlong Station, take exit E, there are scheduled free shuttles to all the Chimelong parks. Chimelong International Circus () The closest China gets to Cirque du Soleil, 250adult, 125child or senior. Hanxi Changlong, exit E, free shuttle. Mountains Edit Baiyun Mountain (White Cloud Mountain) ( bi-yn-shn )20 is a great place to relax and enjoy a day among lush, rolling hills. It also offers great views over the city. The road to the top in most of the daytime is restricted to park trams and pedestrians. To get to the top lookout point, you can use the main roads or trails. There are many places to rest and refreshments are available along the way. It is a great place to see people enjoying nature and playing games, such as shuttlecock, badminton, football and even bungee jumping. There are many bus routes to and from different parts of the city, as well as taxis usually available near the park gate. Open 24 hours. Park entrance 5 Cable car round trip 40 tram from 20 other attractions 5-10 packages available from 25. Lianhua Shan (Lotus Mountain) ( lin-hu-shn ) features an impressive quarry from which red sand stones were mined about 2,000 years ago, a pagoda from 1612, and a barrack from 1664. The obligatory statue of Guanyin, the Buddhist Goddess of compassion, at the side of the Buddhist temple is also not to be missed. From Guangzhou, take Metro line 4 and exchange bus line 92 or 93 at Shiqi Station. There are ferry services from Guangzhou at Tianzi Pier ()(20) and Xidi Pier ()(25). The boat leaves at 8:15AM and returns at 3:15PM. Admission is 50. Learn Edit For in-depth skills and knowledge on the Chinese language and culture, the Guangzhou University. on the university island in Guangzhou, offers international students courses on the Chinese language (Mandarin), the Chinese culture, economy and law. An exchange semester in Guangzhou Universitys international study abroad program is ideal for all students interested in China, international economy and international affairs in general. Most of the participants are students of business, technology, political science and tourism. Guangzhou University, in its present form, was founded in 2000, when Guangzhou Normal University, the South China Institute of Construction, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou Junior Teachers College, and the Guangzhou Institute of Education were combined into one institution. Guangzhou Universitys history, however, dates back to 1927 and the university was given the power to grant degrees in 1984. GU is a public university funded by the Guangzhou Municipal Government and recognized by the Ministry of Education in China as well as the International Association of Universities (IAO). Other private options: Mandarin House Guangzhou School ( Gungzhu Mih Hny School) 21 offers intensive amp business courses to HSK preparation to all levels. Sun Yat-sen University ( Zhongsan Daxue) Founded by Republican Chinas (and Guangdongs own) revolutionary hero. Offers full-time Manadarin language program to foreigners at various levels. Attracts students from all around Asia and the world. Program is located in the beautiful and historic south campus in Haizhu District. Locals on the run outside the Grandview Plaza in Tianhe District. In the background is the 80-story CITIC Plaza. Street markets Edit If time and weather permit, walking is perhaps the best way to see the city as the back alleys, which are littered with antiquities, are not accessible by motorized vehicles. Most trades and goods categories are concentrated in a specific area or along one main street. Guangzhou wholesale market directory 22. Find all kinds of professional wholesale markets in Guangzhou Qingping Market () Qingping Road (),( Metro 1 Huangsha Exit D ) It is located North from Shamian Island. Cantonese are known to eat just about any animal, and the market is world famous for its wild animal trades, although it has been tamer since the SARS outbreak. It is still a great place to go for exotic goods. The modern front of the market has quite a few stalls selling dried herbs used in Chinese Medicine. The real charm here lies just behind the modern exterior. The modern exterior is built onto a series of old historical narrow alleyways with shops selling herbs. Global International Shoes Trade Centre 23 () Address: 26 Zhan Xi Road 26 Xiguan Antique Street () near Liwan Park (). Flower Street () Baohua Road (). Jade Street () Changshou Road () and Wenchang Road (), near Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street. ( Metro 1 Changshou Lu ) Ivory and Sea products () Daxin Road (). Toy Street () and Dried goods and snacks Street () Yide Road (). ( Metro 2 Haizhu Square ) Bridal Street () Jiangnan North Road () ( Metro 2 The 2nd Workers Cultural Palace ). Flowers, Aquatic and Lightings Street Danan Road () near Beijing Road (). ( Metro 1, 2 Gongyuanqian ) Household Merchandise Street () Gaodi Street(). The street has become a shopping center selling everyday goods. Cultural Street ( ) Wende Road(),( Metro 1 Peasant Movement Institute ). This is a good place to look for antiques and traditional Chinese artistic goods. Haiyin Shopping District () is located at the northwest side of the Haiyin Bridge (), selling appliances, sporting goods, cloth, fabrics, camera accessories and electronics. Malls and shopping centers Edit Shangxiajiu pedestrian street Beijing Lu Pedestrian Street ( bi-jng-l ) ( Metro 1, 2 Gong Yuan Qian Exits C, D ) This is the main shopping thoroughfare, a pedestrian street where most stores are open from 9AM-10PM. Avoid individuals who solicit pirated DVDs and imitation goods. Dont follow anyone into the small dark alleys in between buildings to see their goods. Remember to visit Mayflower Plaza ( w-yu-hu-gung-chng )24 68 Zhongshan 5th Road (68), at the northern end of the Pedestrian Street. This is a place where young people hang out and shop. Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street ( shng-xi-ji ) ( Metro 1 Changshou Lu Exits D1, D2. ) This shopping area is also a showcase of traditional Cantonese architecture Qilou(). It is particularly pretty at night when lights are lit up. Prices here are generally lower than Beijing Roads, but prepare to bargain. Remember to visit Liwan Plaza ( l-wn-gung-chng ), located at 9 Dexing Road (9), the east end of the street. You will find a good selection of crystal there. Taikoo Hui () 25 (Metro Line 3, Shipaiqiao) A fancy latest shopping mall that targets affluent customers. L3 has several western cafes and bistros which are popular among expats and local bourgeoisies. The bookshop in L1, Fangshuo, is one of the fanciest bookshop of its kind in China, which has a fair collection of English books as well. China Plaza ( zhng-hu-gung-chng ). 33 Zhongshan 3rd Road, (33),( Metro 1 Martrs Park ) The mall is extremely popular among young locals and displays what they think fashionable. Located on top of a metro station, it also has a huge food court which serves anything from Sichuanese spicy food to Japanese Sushi. Grandview Mall (Zhengjia Plaza) ( zhng-ji-gung-chng ) 26 228 Tianhe Road, (228),( Metro 1, 3 Tianhe Sports Center Exit D3 ). 86 20 3833-0098. This is the largest mall in Guangzhou, located in the heart of Tianhe District. It includes famous fashion stores and several department stores, and some cheesy music fountains. Tee Mall ( tin-h-chng ) 27 208 Tianhe Road (208)( Metro 1 Tiyu Xilu ). Located right above the metro Tiyu Xilu station, this is one of the most popular shopping mall. Pearl River Night Cruise Pearl River Night Cruise () Dashatou Pier (), Tianzi Pier (), and Xidi Pier () This is a one to two hour cruise in the evening and a great way to see the Guangzhou skyline along the Pearl River, including a light show at Bai-E-Tan. Tickets for the deluxe dinner cruise can be bought from most high-end hotels. Prices from 50-200 per person. Higher end cruises usually include dinner buffet. Bicycle There is a vast system of small streets and alleys, greenways, boulevards and parks that are great for cycling. You have the opportunity to explore parks, temples, outdoor markets and the quieter residential areas of Guangzhou. Some hostels have a bike rental service for as cheap as RMB5 per hour. Cycle Canton - guided cycle tours. 86 15626406926. 28. Cycle Canton offers guided cycle tours through Guangzhou. The tour winds through old and lively urban villages where you mingle with locals, to the ultramodern architecture in the new city. The route through downtown Guangzhou, from Taojin to Pearl River New Town, is very safe and convenient as it is almost entirely free from cars and mainly follows quaint alleyways, greenways, parks, outdoor markets and riverside boulevards. You will be surprised by the beauty of Guangzhou and the fascinating inside stories about the places we visit, including old hutongs, temples, ancestral halls, parks, kong fu studios, islands and squares. Cycle Canton hosted 1,000 guests - tourists, expats and locals - since 2013. It is consistently ranked Best Activity in Guangzhou on TripAdvisor and has featured in numerous local media. Guests do not need to be avid cyclists child seats are available upon request. The tour takes 4 hours, bike, helmet, guide, snacks and water are provided and total costs are 300 RMB. 160edit Food Tour Eating Adventures. 86 18688380352. 29. offers private and group walking foodie tours of Guangzhou. Tours take roughly 3 hours and are lead by licensed English speaking guides. Costs from 399 RMB including all food. 160edit Walk the Old Hutongs There is a vast network of undeveloped hutong streets south of Chan Clan Academy, where a tourist can enter the daily lives of the people living in these small alleys. Walking Tour - Guangzhou Private Tour Guide by Janvi. 86 13826227014 (janvigzguide. net ), 30. Janvi is a native of Guangzhou. He offer overseas visitors a guided tour in and around Guangzhou, helping overseas visitors experience Guangzhous culture and local customs. He will take you explore the old Guangzhou (Canton) which only the locals know and with low cost which travel agency they dont, telling you the historic Guangzhou as well as the modern Guangzhou, you will be taken to get involved in the daily life of Guangzhou. The tour takes from 710 hours, costs from USD100 120. 160edit Public buses. Cheap and safe. The electric trams are even cheaper at flat rate of 1652. Hop on to any one of the public buses. Drivers are generally very friendly and helpful. So long as you have sufficient small change for the journey, tell the driver you are in just for a joyride. (In cantonese Yau Cheh Hor literally meaning just for the ride or just for fun. Where the journey terminates, ask anyone what buses will take you back and request the driver to let you know when to get off. So long as you sit not too far away, he (sometimes she) will tell you. Dont worry, everyone is very helpful on these buses. Being paranoid about scams and perceived crimes takes the joy out of what would otherwise be a marvellous holiday. Daytime River Cruise As cheap as 1652, you get a ride down to the last terminal at ZhongSan University and back. Just tell the ticket seller at the jetty, in front of Riverside Hostel, you just want a joyride. On your way back, you can get off on the other side of the river at the heart of the commercial district. After spending a couple of hours walking around or even dinner, it will cost you only 1651 to cross back to the Riverside HostelFestivals Edit Chinese New YearSpring Festival ( chn-ji ) occurs on first day of first lunar month, usually in January or February. This is a 15 day celebration and some districts can be quite deserted as many migrant workers return to their home provinces. The flower fair is popular during the days before New Year. Flower Street in Tianhe during Chinese New Year Dragon Boat Festival ( dun-w-ji ) on fifth day of fifth lunar month, usually in May or June. This festival commemorates the sacrifice of Qu Yuan (), a famous poet who drowned himself in the river by way of making a statement against government corruption during the Warring States Period. The highlights are dragon boat racing along the Pearl River, and eating rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves (). Mid-autumn Festival ( zhng-qi-ji ) is on the 15th day of 8th lunar month, usually in September or October. Cantonese moon cakes are enjoyed during this holiday. Lian Xiang Lou and Taotao Jus moon cakes are especially famous (see Eat section). Kids favorites are paper lanterns. Many locals also enjoy riding ferries and watching the full moon on the Pearl River. Tomb Sweeping Day ( qng-mng-ji ) is around the spring equinox, usually on April 5th. Involves visits to the family tombs for cleaning and making offerings. Double Ninth Festival () is on the 9th day of 9th lunar month, usually in October. Cantonese has the tradition of hiking up Baiyun Mountain. This is also the fall version of the Tomb Sweeping Day in April. Qi Xi . or Chinese Valentines Day ( q-x ) is on 7th day of 7th lunar month, usually in August or September. According to legend, a heavenly fairy Zhinu () fell in love with a mortal farm boy Niulang (). This was forbidden as punishment, they were only allowed to meet once a year on this day. There are usually parades and carnivals in the city celebrating the holiday. This is the Chinese equivalent of Valentines Day, but it is steadily losing its appeal among the locals many have adopted the Western Valentines Day on February 14th. Winter Solstice (, dng-zh ), which literally means the Coming of Winter is on December 22nd. Traditionally, Cantonese people observe the day with a family feast, which often includes preserved duck and sausages. However, the highlight of the days festive dishes is hot soup served with flour dumplings (). The Canton Fair Edit Canton Fair 31 (China Import and Export Commodities Fair) held twice a year in Guangzhou since 1957 and is the largest trade fair in China. It has the largest assortment of products, the largest attendance, and the largest number of business deals made at the fair. Canton Fair is held in the Pazhou Complex at 380 Yuejiang Middle Road (380) ( Metro Line 8 Xingangdong or Pazhou station ). If you are going to the fair, book a hotel well in advance. Hotels tend to be booked and expensive during the Fair. Metro is the best transportation option to go to the fair ground, while many hotels provide free shuttle services. Cantonese cuisine is well-known for its blend of color, fragrance, taste and presentation, and it is ranked among the top four in the country. In particular, dim sum . a delicate pastry, is famous for being simple yet delicious. Local customs, as well as a long history of contact with the West compared to other regions in China, have played a major role in the development and diversity of Cantonese cuisine. Chinese food served in Western countries is usually Cantonese food, albeit slightly adapted to Western tastes, meaning that most Western visitors from large cities will be familiar with Cantonese food to a certain extent. That being said, authentic Cantonese cuisine is also famous throughout China for another reason - Cantonese people eat absolutely anything . and it is often said that Cantonese people eat anything that has four legs other than a table, anything that flies other than an airplane, and anything that swims other than a submarine. In addition to that, various internal organs of animals are regularly eaten, such as the liver, kidneys, heart and even brain. This means that Cantonese cuisine is one of, if not the most adventurous in China due to their expansive use of exotic ingredients, and their extremely broad definition of what is considered edible. This is how Guangzhou earned the distinct name of Eating in Guangzhou (). What to Eat Edit White Cut Chicken () This is one of the most popular Cantonese dishes. It is lightly flavored to allow one to taste the true chicken meat. Many Cantonese restaurants have their signature dish based on this, such as the Wenchang Chicken from Guangzhou Restaurant, Real Taste Chicken from Bingsheng Restaurant and Qingping Chicken from various restaurants. However, to be cautious, especially westerners, since the chicken is completely steam without any cut off, you might see the head and feet of the chicken Yum Cha Dim Sum () A pot of tea with two pieces () is Guangzhous dim sum culture. Many locals stay for hours chatting and reading newspaper with just a small order of food. The varieties of dim sum dishes in many restaurants are easily over a hundred. The bite-size quantity of each dish allows one to venture out and try new things that will satisfy ones taste bud. Siu Mei Shao Wei () Cantonese barbecue is famous around the world where many have seen the image of roasted ducks and chicken hanging in front of a store. Siu mei is a staple item in Cantonese restaurants. Some Varieties include barbecued pork (), roast goose () and roast pig (). Seafood () Eating fresh seafood the Cantonese way is a good way to explore Cantonese culture. From picking live fish or lobsters in front of your eyes to eating the sea creatures with their heads attached, this is a great advanture for any visitors. Dessert (,) A Cantonese meal is not complete without Cantonese desserts. Soupy or custard desserts are common. Two distinct Guangzhou favorites are double layered milk () and ginger milk curd (). Other popular choices include tofu pudding (), red bean paste (), green bean paste (), guilinggao (), black sesame paste () and sago (). Guangzhou Restaurant ( ), 2 Wenchang South Road (2) ( Metro 1 Changshou Lu ), 86 20 8138-0388. 32. This Cantonese family restaurant is famous for its signature dishes Wenchang Chicken and special baby pig. Get up early and try its Yum Cha (Cantonese dim sum). It has several branches in the city. Other locations include 20 Binjiang West Road (20) and 112 Tiyu East Road (112). 160edit Pan Xi Restaurant ( ), 151 Longjin West Road (151). 86 20 8181-5718. Located in the heart of the Old Guangzhou, this Cantonese Restaurant serves dim sum next to trickling streams and stunning architecture. Try one of their famous dumplings shaped like a rabbits head. 160edit Datong Restaurant ( ), 63 Yanjiang Road (63). 86 20 8188-8988. This time-honored restaurant spans all 8 floors of the old building, overlooking the Pearl River. The place has been around for a long time and is a favorite among locals. 160edit Taotao Ju Restaurant ( ), 20 Dishifu Road (20) ( Metro 1 Changshou Lu Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street ), 86 20 8138-9632. This is the oldest traditional dim sum restaurant in the city but nowadays, their food not up to standard as their chef left for high end restaurant in Hong Kong. Dim sum hours are still busy, so reservation is recommended. Specialty includes moon cakes and other traditional Cantonese pastries. 160edit Four Seasons Restaurant ( ), 122 Liuhua Road (122) ( Metro 2 Yuexiu Park Exit D2 ), 86 20 8666-6888. 11AM-2.30PM, 6PM-10PM. Classic Cantonese cuisine using fresh, quality ingredients. Renowned for its Roasted Suckling Pig and Peking Duck. Dim sum is serve during lunch hours. 200 per person. 160edit Liuhua Congee House ( ), Renmin North Road (903) ( In Liuhua Park. Metro 2 Yuexiu Park ), 86 20 8668-0108. Open 24 hours. Excellent dim sum and Cantonese porridge in beautiful surroundings. 160edit Wenji Restaurant ( ), 10 Boahua Road (10) ( Metro 1 Changshou Lu Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street ), 86 20 8172-8887. As the place was established by the former chefs from Qingping Restaurant, they have the original Qingping Chicken on the menu. 160edit Lian Xiang Lou ( ), ( Metro 1 Changshou Lu Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street ), 86 20 8181-1638. 33. M-F 6:30AM-10PM, Sa-Su 6:30AM-11PM. Founded in 1889, Lian Xiang Lou is a famed Cantonese restaurant across China. Local gourmets may disdain its dishes but its bakery is still popular among tourists 160edit Vegetarian Edit Fo World Sushishe ( ), 2-8 Niunaichang St, Tongfu Middle Road (2-8) ( Metro 2 The 2nd Workers Cultural Palace ), 86 20 8424-3590. 7AM-9PM. The restaurant is hidden in a small street, this place is especially crowded on the 1st and 15th of each month (lunar calendar). Part of the profits is given to the neighboring temple. 160edit Foo Yau Yuan Vegetarian Restaurant ( ), Xinfu Xincun () ( Metro 1 Chan Clan Acadamy Exit D ), 86 20 8125-0428. 34. 7AM-3PM, 5PM-10PM. This place serves creative vegetarian dishes with dim sum served in the morning. 160edit Sharmaji Vegetarian Indian Restaurant. 8615915727374. 35. One of the most famous Vegetarian Indian restaurants in Guangzhou. Founded in 2001, it serves vegetarian Indian buffet only, located in the Indian ghetto in Guangzhou, near the Dong Yue Hotel. Located on the 4th floor of the Gitic Hotel. No meat or alcohol served. 160edit Shui Yun Tian ( ), 38-42 Jinghui Road (38-42) ( next to the Guangxiao Temple, Metro 1 Ximenkou ), 86 20 8107-2463. 6:30AM-2:30PM, 4:30PM-9:30PM. Great buffet around noon. 160edit Southeast Asian Edit Cow and Bridge Thai Restaurant ( ), 2F, Xiang Long Garden, 181 Tianhe North Road (181) ( Metro 3 Linhexi ), 86 20 8525-0821. This famous Thai restaurant offers many varieties of Thai dishes. Ask for the more fiery version of your meal, if youre used to Thai cuisine, as the dishes are somewhat localized. 160edit Lan Kwai Fong ( ), 5 Shamian South St (5) ( Metro 1 Huangsha ), 86 20 8121-6523. This tourist friendly restaurant offers good curries and polite service on the quite Shamian Island. 160edit Banana Leaf ( ), 36. This is a established traditional Thai restaurant chain in Guangzhou. 160edit Tianhe. 28 Tianhe North Road (282) ( Metro 3 Linhexi 2F, Times Square ), 86 20 3891-0728. 160edit GZTV Hotel. GF, 8 Luhu Road. 160edit World Trade Center. 5F, 371-375 Huanshi East Road. 160edit Tai Man Guan ( ), 7F Tower North East, Teemall, 208 Tianhe Road (2087) ( Metro 3 Tiyu Xilu ). This is located in the Tee Mall in Tianhe. The Thai restaurant offers many varieties of Thai dishes with great curry and noodle dishes. 160edit Indian Edit Vaastu ( ), 86 20 3825-8181. 37. This high end restaurant opened its door in 2008. It serves traditional Indian food with vegetarian dishes available. 160edit Sharmaji Vegetarian Indian Restaurant. 8615915727374. 38. One of the most famous Vegetarian Indian restaurants in Guangzhou. Founded in 2001, it serves vegetarian Indian buffet only, located near the Dong Yue Hotel. Located on the 4th floor of the Gitic Hotel. No meat or alcohol served. 160edit Western Edit Zebra Star Cafe. ( take line 5 metro train to Taojin station then find Taojin Rd and a short 5 minute walk from there ), 020 8359 6670. Located in the old Yuexiu district this cafe is famous for its Australian influenced cuisine. It has real coffee and it and ideal hangout for travellers who crave western food and culture. The boss is an Aussie and has a large network of expats who frequent this place. Has great music and atmosphere. 160edit Lucys Cafe amp Restaurant. 3 Shamian South St (3) ( Metro 2 Huangsha ), 86 20 8121-5106. Located near the White Swan hotel, Lucys Cafe amp Restaurant is an established American restaurant on Shamian Island. They serve everything from burgers to pasta to Tex-mex, and portions are large. This is a favorite for adoption families who stays on the island. 160edit Oggi Restaurants. (oggitrattogzgmail ), 39. Oggi serves traditional Italian food in central Guangzhou. 160edit Oggi Trattoria. 1 Tiyu East Road (1). 86 20 8751-5882. 11am-12am. Come and enjoy their great pizza and pasta with choice Italian wine. 160edit Oggi Pizzeria. GF Tianlun Garden, Jianshe 4th Road (). 86 20 8356-1196. 247. The European theme style cafe and bar serves great pizzas and traditional Italian home dishes with wine carte and draught beer. 160edit Bosphorus Turkish Restaurants. 1 Jianshe 6th Road ( Metro 5 Xiaobei Exit A ), 86 20 8376-7644. 40. 10AM-11PM. There are two location in GZ. Bosphorus Premium Located in ex Tang Club. and Bosphours Xiaobei located in Zhaoqing Building. it has delicious and halal foods. The third location in Yiwu city. The Bosphorus premium has two floor, having lunch and dinner at 2. floor, smoke and coffee at 3. floor. The portions are large, price are acceptable according to food quality. This is a favorite for eating doner (one of famous Turkish food) and kebabs especially Iskender. 160edit 13 Factories ( ), 7 Tianhe North Street () ( Metro 3 Linhexi exit B ), 86 20 3884 9230. 11AM-12AM. Menu has a heavy American Southern influence, with authentic gumbo, jambalaya, po boys and pulled pork all on offer, but French, Spanish and Italian dishes are also served. It is a favor of both expats and locals. 160edit Buongiorno Italian Restaurant ( Buongiorno ), 3F Yian Plaza, 33 Jianshe 6th Road (333304310). 86 20 83633587. 41. 11AM-11PM. The authentic Italian restaurant is Italian managed and prepared, serving pizza, pasta, meat and fish dishes. 160edit Prime Steakhouse. 122 Liuhua Road (122). 86 20 8666-6888. 11am-2.30pm, 6pm-11pm. This is one of Guangzhous finest steakhouse serving Australian and Japanese prime cuts, seafood, pasta and desserts. 160edit Cafe Veranda. 122 Liuhua Road (122). 86 20 8666-6888. 6.30am-10pm. This place serves a lavish international buffet and also has a la carte menu. All Western and Asian delights can be found here and the breakfast buffet is simply excellent. 160edit Dannys Italian American Restaurant. 4F Home Garden Mall, 188 Huangpu West Avenue (188) ( Metro APM Huangpu Dadao ), 86 20 8756-1993. 42. Established in Guangzhou since 1997, the restaurant serves Italian and American dishes including pasta and pizza along with other western food. Chinese dishes are also available. Delivery is also available. 160edit The Italian Restaurant ( ), 3F Zhujiang Building East Tower, 360 Huanshi East Road (3603) ( Metro 5 Taojin ), 86 20 8386-3840. 10:30AM-2AM. Despite the unimaginative name, this place offers good pizzas, pasta and beer. Buffet is available. 160edit La Seine Restaurant Franca ( ), 33 Qingbo Road (33) ( Ground floor, Zinghai Concert Hall ), 86 20 8735-2222. The upscale restaurant has an elegant French decor, overlooking the Pearl River skyline. 200 and up. 160edit Ks Western Delights ( K S ), Tao Jin Jia Yuan. 86 13533377784. 43. They serve Western-style homemade kosher sandwiches, managed and prepared by Westerners. Delivery service is available. 160edit Pizza2Pizza. Tianhe North Road (6142. (infopizza2pizza ), 44. 10AM-2AM. The restaurant serves appetizers, Salads, Pizza and Pasta. Dine-in, take-out and catering are available. Free delivery within 2 km of the location. Check their website for other locations. 160edit Tekila Mexican Restaurant and Bar. 2F, 11 Jianshe 6th Road (11) ( Metro 5 Taojin ), 86 20 8381-6996. 45. This place serves authentic Mexican food. It has great Margaritas. Entertainment includes salsa dancing. 160edit BOCA Restaurant and Cafe. 75 Tianhe East Road 107(75107). 86 20 8759-1558. 46. This place serves appetizer, Soup, Salad, Sandwiches, Rice Delights, Pastas and other Main Courses. Kids meal is available. 160edit Gails Place. 1F Stars Building, 172 Huasui Road (172,02). 86 20 8350-1667. 47. The family owned restaurant has a huge western food menu with an accent on American and fusion style dishes. For those who celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas, Gails offers a fully cooked turkey with stuffing, gravy and cranberry sauce. 160edit African Edit Best-Way African Restaurant. No. 003 1F Jindu Bldg, 99 Guangyuan West Road ( opposite Canaan Market ), 86 20 6114-7501. This Nigerian restaurant serves cuisine cooked Igbo style (try the semo and egusi soup). It is a bit out of the way (down some narrow stairs and under a concrete overpass), but the ambiance is cozy inside with Nigerian music playing. 160edit Foreign chains Edit Foreign fast food, ice cream and coffee chains are well established in Guangzhou. These include Subway (), Dairy Queen (), Saizeriya (Japanese Italian Food Chain), Papa Johns Pizza (), KFC (), Pizza Hut (), McDonalds (), Burger King (), Starbucks () and Hagen-Dazs (). Most of these can be found in the Zhengjia Plaza (See Shop). Convenience Stores Edit Convenience stores are on almost every street corner and most are open 24 hours. Major convenience store chains include 7-Eleven, FamilyMart, Circle-K and C-Store. Prices are a little higher than in local shops or supermarkets, particularly at 7-Eleven. Some FamilyMarts and Circle-Ks do not sell cigarettes, but C-store does. Corners Deli is a specialty food chain store with several locations in the city with a good selection of imported foods. One of the locations is at unit 6, Backstreet, CITIC Plaza. Supermarket Chains Edit TESCO () The British hypermarket is located on Zhongshan 6th Road above the Metro Ximenkou Station and it is the largest supermarket in Guangzhou on a single premise. Park n Shop () This Hong Kong chain has several locations ranging from convenience stores to hypermarkets. The largest stores are in the shopping mall above Metro Changshou Lu Station and at Tianhe North Road close to the Longkouxi bus stop. It is a little more expensive but has a good selection of imported groceries. ON ()There are several locations including Tee Mall at Tiyu West Road and Linhe Middle Road near the East Train Station. This Japanese chain has a good selection of imported groceries. Carrefour () This French hypermarket has four stores in Guangzhou. One of them is at Kangwang Road (656) near Chenjiaci station. It is cheap and has a good selection of products. Trust-Mart () The lower-end market has numerous locations in Guangzhou and it is recent acquired by Wal-Mart (). It will be soon re-branded to Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart has been upgrading the stores, and the prices while they are at it. This chain has a large stock of non-food items but the grocery selection is limited. It is often crowded on the weekends. Vanguard () This is the flagship operating supermarket chains of China Resources. It is the third largest supermarket chain in Hong Kong. It operates approximately 450 stores in China. There are over 20 stores in Guangzhou. Drink Edit Bar Street at Bai-E-Tan When it comes to drinks, Guangzhou is one of the best cities in China to knock back a few. With a relatively large population of foreigners here, the city offers a wide variety of nightspots that cater to all tastes. Tsing Tao and Zhu Jiang are the two major Chinese beer brands that are sold almost everywhere. Both are fairly standard light lagers. Carlsberg is also brewed in Guangzhou, which explains the reasonably large amount of Carlsberg taps in the bars. Nightlife at Shangxiajiu in Liwan District. Covent Garden. 2 ( Located on the small road across from Ocean Palace on Jinsui Road ), 86 20 38065757. 10AM to 3AM. British pub in the Zhujiang New Town. Recently won the best new pub in Guangzhou at the PRD awards. Large selection of cocktails and whiskeys with pints of Tiger Beer from 25 during happy hour, 4PM-8:30PM. 160edit Drop In. This English-styled bar is perfect for a night out with your friends. There are many different burger dishes and delicious cocktails on the menu. 160edit Elephant and Castle. ( next door to Hill Bar opposite the Garden Hotel ), 48. CLOSED SINCE 2012 22. 160edit Feeling Bar. ( next to MRT 3 Exit C of South China Normal University ), 49. 10am-2am. This trendy bar is the place to be if you are a student or expat. It offers a wide range of delicious meals and drinks, has schishas and daily promotions. 160edit Hill Bar. ( Outside Baiyun Hotel and across from Garden Hotel ). Reasonable price for drinks and live band performances nightly. 35 pints. 160edit Hooleys Irish Pub and Restaurant. Xing Sheng Lu, Zhujiang New Town ( Metro 5 Liede exit D ), 86 20 3886-2675. 50. Hooleys is an Irish themed pub with a focus on live music performances (rock, pop, folk and jazz). Serves Irish, Italian and fusion dishes. Bakes its own bread. Music Friday to Saturday with open mic sessions on Wednesdays and Ladies Night on Thursdays. 160edit Paddy Field Irish Pub and Restaurant. ( Behind Garden Hotel ). 160edit Rebel Rebel. 42 Ti Yu Dong Lu, Tian He District ( A little off the main road, down a side road next to the Oakwood Premier building ), 86 20 85201579. 51. 11am to 2am. This trendy British-inspired urban bar and restaurant has an extensive drinks menu, specialising in British real ales when available. It also offers a range of meals, with contemporary twists on British classics, such as Punk Rock Pie, Sausages amp Mash and Fish amp Chips, as well as a range of pastas, pizzas, burgers amp popular Asian dishes. There are daily meal specials and a happy hour from 2 to 8pm. Live music on most nights adds to the vibe of this popular central bar which is popular with both locals and expats. Regular sports events, especially football, are normally shown live on the big screen. It also holds monthly art shows showcasing local talent from all artistic fields and there is usually some interesting artwork on display in the bar. 160edit Tavern Sports Bar ( Metro APM Guangzhou Opera House ), poly 108 2 huajiu Road, Zhujiang New Town (2) Panyu Location, Yingbin Road, right hand side of the Huanan Country Garden entrance,. 86 20 8550-3038. 52. 11:30AM to 2AM. Tavern Bar is an English-style pub serving appetizers, pub-grub and international food. Happy Hour from 4-8pm and all day Monday, Happy Hour pints from 20. Range of draught beers and cocktails. Shows live sports on big screen TVs. Pool tables and private rooms are available. Wednesday night is trivia night from 9-10:30pm at the Zhujiang New Town branch. 160edit Sleeping Wood Cafe. ( Happy hour before 8PM ). Cozy restaurant pub next to the Holiday Inn with friendly English speaking staff. Serves western food and all kinds of alcoholic drinks. One-for-one pint-sized Tsing Tao draft beer during happy hour. Good place to unwind, especially in the open area. 2nd location along Pearl River. 25-30. 160edit Oh Marco Wine Cellar. 9 Yiyuan Road 4-5, Haizhu District. 86 20 3448-2809 (cellar-guangzhouohmarco ). 9AM-9PM. Oh Marco is a retail wine chain shop. There you can drink a glass or buy a bottle of wine. It offers full range of wines, directly imported from France. Perfect for after-work drinks. Drinks from 18. 160edit Sapphire Lounge. 122 Liuhua Road ( 122 ), 86 20 8666-6888. 3:00PM to late. Located on the 4th floor of China Hotel, Sapphire Lounge serves an extensive selection of classic and contemporary martinis, cocktails, wines, liquor and more in a chic and upbeat atmosphere. Perfect for after-work drinks or a night out. 160edit The Brew. Zhujiang New Town, Panyu, Jianshe Liu Ma Road ( Metro 5 Taojin exit B ), 53. The Brew, formally known as The Strange Brew, is a Canadian owned and operated bar with three locations in Guangzhou. Its menu has a strong Canadian American influence and boasts the best burgers in the city. There are specials every day of the week which differ from location to location. It is the ideal place to have a drink and catch the game (NHL, NFL, MLB, NBA, Rugby and more). 160edit Perrys Caf. 2nd floor of No. 61, Hongmei Lu, Haizhu District (612) ( taxi would be easiest way, make sure you have the address written down in chinese ). Located in Dadao of Haizhu District, is Perrys Caf. Although hidden, the newly opened cafe is ideal for overseas students or foreign friends in the community. Offers European dishes, opened until late night (at least 4AM) 160edit Dance clubs Edit C:Union ( ), 115 Shuiyin Road (1151). Great place to hear atypical live music like reggae or classic rock. Bar has both an indoor section consisting of a dance floor and couches and an outdoor section with patio seating and recently-added new basement. Wide beer selection and bartenders measure all drinks out in plain view. Early on the bar is populated mostly by locals, however as the night progresses the bar quickly fills with expats. Patrons tend to be very friendly open to meeting new people. There is usually at least one English speaking bartender at each station. 25-50 beer, 15 shots. 160edit The Cave ( ), 360 Huanshi East Road (360) ( basement on the end of the Zhujiang Tower () near Garden Hotel ), 86 20 8386-3660. This is a favorite expat hangout. The resident DJ spins a wide range of music. The Cave features exotic dance performances, including live-python dance. 30 standard drink. 160edit Club NaNa. Tianlun Garden, 26 Jianshe 4th Road (426) ( up the street from Oggis Pizza ). Packs a variety of music, well-known throughout Guangzhou for its wild parties, including a singles lock and key party, a secret costume party, and live hip-hop shows. The owners may be seen handing out free drinks. Beware of the tequila shots. Begins as a largely Chinese club but around 11:30PM, the shaking switches from dice to dancing and it becomes a mix of East and West. 160edit Gipsy King Bar ( ), 360 Huanshi East Road (360) ( opposite end of the Zhujiang Building from the Cave ), 86 20 8387-5177. Underground bar similar to the Cave. Many local working girls sashay around. There are individual dance performances at one corner of the bar, while group performances start on the main dance floor at 10PM. 30 standard drink. 160edit Penthouse. High class bar with dance floor. Variety of sparkling wine ensures you can live it up with standards. The DJs blast the hottest music. 160edit Heihei Club. 2 Qiaoguang Road, Yuexiu District. Good crowd, blend of locals and foreigners. Good music though a little pricy. It was reported that pickpocketing is rampant here. 160edit True Colors ( ), 276 Yanjiang Zhong Lu ( (200m east of the Tianzi Matou), Yuexiu District (8373 5858) ). Club has dozens of tables on the floor for groups to drink and play local dice games. The DJ booth overlooks the floor and between it and the massive windows runs a strip that can rise up for live performances and for models to runway walk. Theres a dance floor thats maybe 25 square meters where locals and expats dance. DJs come from all over the world and play their own mix of house occasionally punctuated with hip-hop. 160edit Tea houses Edit The culture of tea drinking, also known as Yum Cha (), runs deep in Guangzhou. After all, the city was at the center of the massive tea trade that existed between China and Europe during the 19th century. Simple Love Tea Shop (). 102, 94 Tianhe South Road ( Down from the south gate of TeeMall ). 3PM-2AM. This is a Taiwanese style tea and coffee shop. There are about five other locations in the city. 160edit Tian Chang Di Jiu. 1 Zhengping Middle Street, Taojin Road. 86 20 8358-1627. 160edit Chun Ya Yuan Teahouse (). 19 Siyou New Road ( 4F, Changcheng Hotel ), 86 20 8761-2888 ext.6488. 7PM-1AM. 160edit Crystal Tea House. 6 Longkou East Road, Tianhe ( 1F, Yuan Yang Hotel ), 86 20 8759-6988 ext.67. 10AM-2AM. 160edit Wong Chun Loong Herbal Tea. The traditional herbal tea chain has over a dozen branches in the city, including 17 Wenchang South Road, 109 Huagui Road, 51 Dishifu Road, 504 Xihua Road, and many more. 160edit Peoples Cakes amp Coffee. Enjoy cakes and coffee at this Western coffee shop run by Koreans. 160edit Yuexiu. 102, 17 Jianshe 6th Road (17102). 86 20 8376-6677. 160edit Taojin. 98 Taojin South Road. 86 20 8348-8085. 160edit Sleep Edit WARNING: Foreigners MUST present an original passport with a valid visa for staying at a legal hotel or hostel. Many wikitravellers have reported troubles during check-in when their passports were held by other consulates or PBS office for applying for or extending a visa. Make sure to check in first at hotelshostels before applying any visas. If you dont have an original passport, dont expect mercy from hotel receptionists, who may face a prison term and heavy penalty if they allow you to stay without a passport. NOTE: From April 15th to May 5th and October 15th to November 5th are the annual Guangzhou International Trade Fairs in which room rates in hotels and hostels will usually be hiked up. Prices vary every year and you are advised to secure your bed before going to Guangzhou in those two seasons NOTE: Beware when booking any hotels around Guangzhou South Station (). Most of the hotels here that carry brand names, such as Home Inn (), 7 Days Inn (7), etc. are FAKE and youll end up staying in a dodgy, unclean place. Those hotels do not actually have branches near South Station. Avoid staying in this area if at all possible. Budget Edit Guangzhous hostel scenes are more vibrant than ever. Some hostels are as big as a well established hotel. There are also a lot of apartment-converted small hostels which are subject to frequent government crackdown. Cross check before booking. Lazy Gaga Hostel ( ), 215 Haizhu Middle Road, Yuexiu District (215) ( Metro Line 1 Ximenkou Exit B ), 86 20 8192-3232 (gagahostelqq ), 54. checkin: 13:00 checkout: 12:00. A 4 minute walk away from metro, this hostel with a spacious communal lounge is located in between two popular shopping streets Shangxiajiu and Beijing Road and close to major wholesales markets for electronics, toys, clothing Within a walking distance to major temples, mosque, parks and museums and bar district. All rooms have free WIFI access. Free charging lockers, free luggage storage, free kitchen, and cheap laundry are provided. The hostel opens 24 hours and no curfew. Dorm bed 55, private rooms 178-208 ( Prices remain unchanged during Canton Fair). ( 23.122887. 113.256839 ) 160edit Riverside Youth Hostel ( ), 15 Changdi Street (15) ( Metro 1 Fangcun Exit B1 ), 86 20 2239-2500. Located on the outskirt of Guangzhou, it takes a 15-20 minute walk to the metro also accessible by ferry (until 10pm). A YH membership card is required or an extra fee will be charged for each night. Lockers are available in some rooms. WIFI access is accessible in the lobby. A small fee is charged for a luggage storage and the use of a public computer. Doubles 178, dorm bed 65 96 Canton Fair. 160edit Sunshine Home Hostel ( ), Hui Yang Yuan Complex Building no 201 Floor 15 Apt 1501, 201 Huangsha Avenue, Liwan District (2011501) ( Metro Line 5 Zhongshanba Exit B ), 86 13202048889 (sunshinegz3688gmail ). checkin: 13:00 checkout: 12:00. A 10 minute walk away from metro, this apartment-converted hostel is close to Liwan Park, Shangxiajiu and Zhongshan 8th Children Garment wholesale markets. Free WIFI, lockers, luggage storage, and kitchen. Cheap laundry service is provided. No curfew. Dorm bed 50, private rooms 100-110-168 family room 300 (sleeps 4-6). 160edit The Boa Garden. ( Metro Line 8 WanShengWei Exit B ), (richardbanfa. co. uk ). checkin: 09:00 checkout: 12:00. Located at the suburb of Guangzhou, this hostel is on the river front, with free tea and coffee. English hospitality and bikes for hire to explore the local village. Loads of cheap eateries and quiet atmosphere to get away from the city. It takes up to an hour to the downtown of Guangzhou. Send email to check the availability because beds are not always available. Free Wifi. luggage storage and lockers Dorm bed 50. 160edit Mid-range Edit Guangdong Victory Hotel ( ), 53 Shamian North Street (53) ( Metro 1 Huangsha Station Exit D, use pedestrian bridge to Shamian Island ), 86 20 8121-6688. 55. The hotel is located on Shamian Island. It consists of the East building and West building. It has very clean rooms and western-style buffet breakfast. 420. 160edit Zhong Qiao Hotel Guangzhou ( ), 103 Chigang Road (103). 86 20 6276-4628. 56. The hotel is close to Pazhou Trade Center where Canton Fair is held. Check their website for other locations in the chain. 150. 160edit Dongyue Fashion Hotel ( ), 10 Tangdong East Road (10). 86 20 2886-4999. 57. It offers clean and comfortable rooms that are furnished with all the essentials for a restful stay. 178. 160edit Guangzhou Hotel ( ), 2 Guangzhou Qiyi Road, Haizhu Square (2) ( Metro 2 Haizhu Square Exit B3 ), 86 20 8333-8168. 58. 328. 160edit Huifeng Apartment Guangzhou ( ), 8 Xingsheng Road, Zhujiang New Town. 86 20 3805-1035 (huifengapartmentgmail ), 59. Each of the 198 serviced apartments has a kitchens and free cable internet access. 298. 160edit Binghua Hotel ( ), 2 Tianhe North Road (2). 86 208750-2888. The hotel is located at the gateway to Tianhe. Hooleys Irish Pub and Restaurant is on the ground floor. 160edit Bostan Hotel ( ), 76 Tianhe North Road (76). 86 20 3878-2888. The hotel has multifunction halls and meeting rooms for business or personal affairs, as well as KTV rooms, a beauty salon, and restaurants that serve Xinjiang Muslim cuisines. . 160edit Hotel Canton ( ), 374 Beijing Road (374) ( Metro 12 Gongyuanqian ), 86 20 8318-9888. 60. This was once a glorious hotel, but it is now a bit outdated. However, it is located just North of the Beijing Lu Pedestrian Street. 390. 160edit Hotel Landmark ( ), 8 Qiaoguang Road (8) ( Metro 2 Haizhu Square Exit A ), 86 20 8335-5988. 61. 500. 160edit Jianguo Hotel ( ), 172 Linhe Road Central (Linhe Zhong Lu) (172). 86 20 8393-6388. 62. Right outside Guangzhou East Station, Metro line 3, exit G1. Free internet. From 450. 160edit Lido Hotel ( ), 182 Beijing Road (182). 86 20 8332-1988. In the heart of central Guangzhou and Beijing Road Shopping Street. 350. 160edit Liuhua Hotel ( ), 194 Huanshi West Road (194) ( Metro 25 Guangzhou Railway Station ), 86 20 8666-8800. 63. 468. 160edit Nanyang Kings Gate Hotel ( ), 38 Xinghua Road (38) ( near Baiyun Mountain in Tianhe District ), 86 20 6136-8888. 64. This is a 5-star hotel with 468 guest rooms, overlooking the beautiful Baiyun Mountain. Accommodation includes a bathroom with steam area and massage tub. Hotel facilities include and Western restaurants, lobby bar, conference hall, health club and KTV. 458. 160edit Oriental Resort ( ), 1068 Baiyun South Avenue (1068) ( On Baiyun Mountain ), 86 20 8663-2888. 65. Quiet and away from the city. 480. 160edit Raystar Hotel ( ), 95 Chepi Road (95) ( Metro 45 Chebeinan ). 4-star hotel offers free broadband Internet apart from furnished rooms and conference suites. 160edit Springdale Serviced Residence Guangzhou ( ), Tower B1, No 105 Tiyuxi Road, Tianhe district. 86 20 8396-6088 (enquiry. guangzhouthe-ascott. fax. 86 20 8360-0466 ), 66. The residence offers studio, one, two, or three-bedroom apartments that are furnished with a comfortable living and dining area, broadband Internet access, and a kitchen. Daily rates starts from 480. 160edit Guangzhou Hotel Guangzhou ( ), No. 2 Qiyi Road, Guangzhou, China. 67. Ideally located in the heart of Guangzhou, with the Pearl River to the south and Yuexiu Mountain to the north, Guangzhou Hotel enjoys superb location with easy access to the city. 160edit Jinzhou Business Hotel Guangzhou ( ), Yuexiu district liberation road no. 899.Guangzhou. 68. Jinzhou Business Hotel Guangzhou(Jinzhou Shangwu Jiudian) is very close to the metro station, Guangzhou Railway Station and Guangdong Bus Station. 160edit Pullman Baiyun Airport Hotel Guangzhou ( ), Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Baiyun Guangzhou. 69. Located in the Guangzhou International Airport Complex, Pullman Guangzhou Baiyun Airport offers a relaxing haven for the busy traveler with easy accessibility. The hotel is a 3-minute walk to the departure terminal, 30-minute metro ride to city centre. 160edit Splurge Edit China Hotel, A Marriott Hotel ( ), 122 Liuhua Road (100) ( Metro 2 Yuexiu Park ), 86 20 8666-6888. 70. The 5-Star Luxury Marriott Hotel is located in the heart of central Guangzhou. It features 850 guestrooms, 8 Food and Beverage outlets, Executive Lounge and Shopping Arcade. An entrance to the Metro is just outside. 650. 160edit Garden Hotel ( ), 368 Huanshi East Road (368). 86 20 8333-8989. 71. The hotel has standard hotel rooms as well as apartments and offices for rent. Deluxe rooms are clean but basic elite rooms are newly renovated and attractive. The Carousel Restaurant offers excellent dinner buffet with panoramic views of Guangzhou on the top level. The hotel also has various Shops, HSBC and Bank of China branches and a bus station serving express buses to the Guangzhou airport, the Hong Kong airport and nearby cities such as Zhuhai. 160edit Dong Fang Hotel ( ), 120 Liuhua Road (120) ( Metro 2 Yuexiu Park ), 86 20 8666-9900. 72. 160edit White Swan Hotel ( ), 1 Shamian South St (1) ( Metro 1 Huangsha ), 86 20 8188-6968. 73. On the banks of the Pearl River on the quiet Shamian Island, complimented by a charming park nearby where locals can be found doing tai chi. Surrounding the hotel are blocks of little shops run by locals willing to bargain. This landmark hotel is now closed for renovations and is expected to reopen in 2015. 160edit Baiyun Hotel ( ), 367 Huanshi East Road (367) ( across from Garden Hotel ), 86 20 8333-3998. 74. Member of Best Western hotel chain. 160edit Ascott Guangzhou ( ), No 73 Tianhe Dong Road, Tianhe district. 86 20 8513-0388 (enquiry. guangzhouthe-ascott. fax. 86 20 8513-0366 ), 75. The residence offers 208 apartments that comes with a separate living space equipped with modern furnishings, kitchens and broadband internet access. Daily rates starts from 700. 160edit Asia International Hotel ( ), 326 Huangshi East Road, Sec 1 (326). 86 20 6128-8888. 76. One of a handful of hotels that feature separate bath and shower areas in a standard room. Internet access is free but slow. It also features Guangzhous highest revolving restaurant on the top level. 160edit China Mayors Plaza ( ), 189 Tianhe North Road (189). 86 20 8755-3838. 77. 600. 160edit Donlord International Hotel ( ), 63 Guangzhou Ave North (63). 86 20 8774-8999. The hotel has 288 guest rooms. The Dragon amp Phoenix Restaurant offers top-grade Cantonese and Chaozhou dishes while Four Seasons Caf specializes in French style food. 160edit Grand Hyatt Guangzhou. 12 Zhujiang West Road (12) ( Metro APM Zhujiang New Town ), 86 20 8396-1234 (guangzhou. grandhyatt ), 78. The 5-star hotel has 350 rooms and suites with panoramic views of the Pearl River. Amenities include walk-in shower, Wi-Fi and iPod docking station. Hyatt Grand Club lounge offers free continental breakfast and canaps. 1200. 160edit Guangdong International Hotel ( ), 339 Huanshi East Road (339). 86 20 8331-1888. 79. 160edit Holiday Inn City Center Guangzhou ( ), 28 Guangming Road (28) ( Metro 5 Taojin ), 86 20 6128-6868. 80. Not exactly the newest, biggest or cheapest hotel around, but does offer a convenient location. Rooms are clean, have comfortable beds and pillows, and a good selection of TV channels. Internet access is stable and costs 80 a day. Priority Club platinum members get automatic upgrades to executive rooms (subject to availability) and access to the executive lounge. An airline ticketing office and a Hertz car rental counter are available. Theres also another Holiday Inn at 188 Dishifu Road. 160edit The Westin Guangzhou ( ), 6 Linhe Middle Road (6) ( Metro 3 Linhexi ), 86 20 2886-6868. 81. The luxury chain has 448 rooms and suites. It is located next to the U. S. Consulate. It is also a short walk to the East Rail Station. 160edit Nanyang Royal Hotel ( ), 11 Tianfu Road (11). 5-star hotel offering 268 Victorian-inspired rooms with contemporary amenities. Leisure and dining facilities are also available. 160edit Royal Marina Plaza ( ), 288 ( Metro 3 Panyu Square Exit A ), 86 20 3462-8888. Offers air-conditioned rooms all equipped with a private toilet and bath, satellite TV, safe, and refrigerator. Some of its amenities include Pattaya Spa Center, indoor pool, health club, boutique shops, and night club. 528. 160edit Dragon Lake Princess Hotel ( ), 3 Shanqian Avenue, Huadong Town, Huadu District (3). 86 20 3690-8888 (hoteldragonlake. cn ), 82. Designed and built in the style of a European town, the hotel is located in the Dragon Lake Resort. River Main in the village, It offers accommodation, dining, meeting, amusement, sports and leisure facilities. The hotel has bus route from and to Hong Kong and Shenzhen. The facility is beautiful and relaxing, but it is 35 minutes away from the city center. 750. 160edit Pullman Baiyun Airport Guangzhou ( ), In the Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport complex. 750. 160edit Hanfeng International Hotel ( ), 6 Tianhe North Road (6). The hotel offers free broadband Internet with generously furnished rooms and conference suites. The hotel is currently closed for renovations. 160edit Guangzhou is not as well known as Beijing or Shanghai as a hub of foreign commerce and trade - perhaps unfairly, as its the center of manufacturing in China. Most people on the planet are no further than a few feet away from an object produced in in the Guangzhou metropolitan area at any given time. This includes the components of the screen youre reading this on. While there may not be as many opportunities for foreigners here compared to Beijing or Shanghai, this massive city and its rapidly growing economy does offer some work for foreigners - management, translation, engineering and teaching English. There are a number of large ESL school chains, owned by foreigners, in the area who hire (mainly) North American teachers. As with any rapidly growing industry, there are many sketchy companies trying to make a buck. If you want to work as an English teacher in Guangzhou - which can be an amazing experience - make sure to verify the credentials of the school. English teaching jobs are available teaching a range of ages from kindergarten to elementary, middle and high school students as well as universities and private language centers. Schools usually require native speakers with a degree in any discipline and TEFL certificate. Stay safe Edit Violent crimes are not common. As one of the first open ports in China, Guangzhou is known for its liberalism and general tolerance of cultural differences. Crimes that target foreigners are rarely heard of but pickpockets could happen in shopping areas and transportation hubs. Teahouse scams, which are serious problems in Beijing and Shanghai, have not been reported in Guangzhou. A possible scam is when a taxi driver refuses your notes and tells you it is fake. What happens is that the taxi driver changes your note for a fake one without you noticing. Always be suspicious when a vendor refuses your money and gives it back to you. As the wealthiest province of China, it has attracted enormous immigrant workers both from other provinces and overseas. The local police has Arabic - and English-speaking forces to deal with the rising drug trade involved with foreigners, who are not exempted from the death penalty for drug trafficking. Traffic conditions in Guangzhou have drastically improved in recent years and rules are practiced - relatively . However, like everywhere else in China, cars do not yield to pedestrians and zebra crossings are for display only. Emergency numbers are: Police: 110 Fire: 119 Medical: 120 Traffic accident: 122. Contact Edit The area dialing code for Guangzhou is 020 . From overseas, dial 86 20 XXXX-XXXX. Phone numbers are 8 digits. Mobile numbers are 11 digits and city code is not required. Tourism Administration of Guangzhou Municipality () 83 13-15F, 140 Dongfeng West Road. (14013-15). 86 20 8107-8200. Internet is prevalent in Guangzhou. Many western chain restaurants such as McDonalds, Subway, Starbucks, offer an easy access to Internet. Many major public places are now covered with free wifi (ssid: wirelessGZ), including the Baiyun International Airport, libraries, public parks, hospitals, railway stations and several shopping centers. Police . The Public Security Bureau Exit-Entry Administration Division is located at 155 Jiefang South Road (155) 86 20 8311-5808 (M-F 8:50AM-11:30AM, 2:30PM-5PM.) You can get your visa extension done here. Embassies and consulates Edit Banking Edit ATMs that accept foreign credit or debit cards are common in shopping malls and tourist areas. Withdrawal is available in Chinese currency only. Most banks in the city center also accept exchanges from your local currencies to 165. Your passport is required for this service. Some banks allow you to change back to your local currency with the original exchange memo. Bank of China () 87 There is a branch inside Garden Hotel. ATM is available on the ground floor of White Swan Hotel and over 100 locations in Guangzhou. Their ATMs are the best bet for using foreign cards. HSBC 88 2, GF, Garden Hotel, 368 Huan Shi Dong Lu 86 20 8313 1888. Citi 89 Unit 101, Fortune Plaza, 118 Tiyu East Road. 86-20 3898-1688. This bank has a full service branch with currency exchange services and 24-hour ATMs. Bank of America 90 Rm 2506, 555 Renmin Middle Road 86 20 8130-0888. The bank has alliance with China Construction Bank. Citi 91 Unit 101, Fortune Plaza, 118 Tiyu East Road. 86-20 3898-1688. This bank has a full service branch with currency exchange services and 24-hour ATMs. Laundry Edit Few lower end hotels and hostels have coin-operated self-service laundry room. Self-service laundromats are not available on the streets, although dry clean and laundry stores are available to clean your clothes. Normally you can drop your clothes off and pick them up the next day. One laundry chain is Tiantian (), which is conveniently located in most Metro stations. There are many stores on Shamian Island that have laundry service. An average load of laundry costs about 100. In other parts of the city, there are laundry and dry clean shops sprinkled throughout neighborhoods. An average load should cost no more than 40. If you are doing sheets and blankets, they should charge no more then 10 for a blanket, 30 for a quilt. Dry-cleaning a sweater is about 8. Television Edit Guangzhou Television (GZTV) 92 has an English channel, now called Guangzhou I Channel (but still English according to the Chinese name), offering entertainment and cultural programs from around the world, mostly dubbed in Mandarin and subtitled in Chinese. Hong Kongs international channels, TVB Pearl and ATV World, available in most hotels, have a great selection of programs from the UK and US, plus news at 7:30pm and late (11pm or later) every day. Newspapers and Magazines Edit The China Daily andor Global Times are the two only English language newspapers available in Guangzhou (unless you go to a library), and both can be found on newsstands throughout the city. There are several bookstores throughout the city that sell current English and Foreign periodicals. The South China Morning Post from Hong Kong is also available by subscription only. South China TALK is a monthly English-language magazine based in Guangzhou. Places of worship Edit All the religious sites listed in the See section are open to worshippers. Protestant: Guangzhou International Christian Fellowship (GICF) 93 holds weekly service on Sundays at 10:00AM-11:30AM for expats in English. In accordance with government regulations, the service is exclusively open to foreignspecial passport holders, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan nationals. Address: Hilton Guangzhou Tianhe NO.215 LINHE XI Heng Road Tianhe (215) Catholic: An English mass is held at Shishi Church at 3:30PM every Sunday. English Bible study is also available on Wednesday at 7:30pm-9:00pm. Address: Shishi Church (No. 56 8, Jiu Bu Qian, Yide Zhong Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou. (568) Muslim: Huaisheng Mosque ( hui-shng-s) at 56 Guangta Road () (Metro 1 Ximenkou) is exclusively open to Muslims. Jumuah ( ) is held every Friday just after noon. Most public parks offer free gym facilities. For serious bodybuilders, Total Fitness 94 has around 15 branches which are usually close to metro stations. Membership costs about 2000-4000 a year, depending on your bargaining power. Health Edit Guangdong Provincial Peoples Hospital is near the Garden Hotel. 106 Zhongshan 2nd Road 86 20 8382-7812, 86 20 2062-2031. Kaiyi International Dental Care 95 Ice Flower Hotel, 2 Tianhe North Road 86 20 3886-4821, 86 20 3387-4278. China Post, the official post office, is your best bet for regular letters and postcards. For packages, other than the post office, there are many shipping centers around the city who are agents for DHL, FedEx, UPS, TNT and EMS. There are usually shipping counters at higher-end hotels. Ask your hotel for the nearest shipping locations. Post Office (China Post) - Post Office is usually slow and little English is spoken. EMS service is available through the post office. The following are locations close to tourist areas. Shamian Post: Shamian 3rd Street () 9AM-5PM, closed on Sunday. Liuhua Post: 151 Huanshixi Road (151) between Guangzhou Railway Station and the Provincial Coach Terminal. Taojin Post: 5 Taojin North Road (5) 86 20 8357-1583 DHL 96 There is a branch in Garden Hotel 86 20 8384-9210. UPS 1121 Guangyuan Middle Road, 86 20 8657-9898 China Hotel, 86-20 8666-2696 TeeMall 86 20 8230-4008. There have been reports of mail not reaching its destination. Packaged mail was said to be held up in Shanghai and is undeliverable. 800 RMB was demanded for its return. Get out Edit The dwellings of overseas Chinese from the early 20th century in Kaiping (). Take a 2-hour bus form Fengcun Bus Station () (Metro 1 Kengkou Exit B) 60. Foshan () is only an hour away from Guangzhou. Famous for its Ancestry Temple (), it is also the home to legendary martial art master Wong Fei Hong. Take the Foshan Metro at the Xilang Station of Guangzhou Metro Line 1. Hong Kong () is 2-3 hours away, depending on the modes of transportation. Humen () in Dongguan () is famous for its Opium War era relics (). It is a bridge away from the Nansha District. Most trains going to Shenzhen or Hong Kong stop at Dongguang. Shenzhen () is located on the border with Hong Kong. It is one of the first special economic zones in China. Check out theme parks such as Windows of the World, the China Folk Culture Villages and Splendid China. Bus and train services are run frequently. The trip will take 1 to 2 hours. Tickets cost around 60 - 80. Zhuhai () is another special economic zone to the south bordering Macau. You can get a bus ride from any of the major bus stations in the city. You can also take a high speed train at the South Station (Metro 2 Guangzhou South Railway Station) and it only takes about 45 minutes (44). Routes through Guangzhou

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